During the Fall, I taught the children in Church the story of Moses. I got excited and wrote a song for the children to sing to the tune of "Zacchaeus Was A Wee Little Man". My sons really rocked the song up and the children loved it! The lyrics are:
Moses was a wee little baby
A wee little baby was he
His mother placed him in a basket
For Egyptians not to see
But as the Princess passed that way
She heard the cries inside
And she said, "I'll name him Moses!"
You're gonna be mine today You're gonna be mine today
Moses was raised an Egyptian prince
An Egyptian prince was he
He eventually discovered he was an Is-ra-elite
His people were slaves who worked all day
God spoke to Moses through a burning bush
For he heard his people's plea
And God said, "Go tell Pharaoh!'
To set my people free To set my people free
Moses was a timid tongue-tied man
A timid tongue-tied man was he
He asked brother Aaron to come with him
For the Pharaoh he was afraid to see
So off they went to ask unfair Pharaoh
To set their people free
And Pharaoh said, "No, never!"
For his heart was hard as dry clay For his heart was hard as dry clay
Pharaoh was a stubborn evil man
A stubborn evil man was he
God had to send ten dreadful plagues
Ten dreadful plagues sent he
Finally Pharaoh decided to obey
And set God's people free
And the Israelites said, "Hooray!"
God delivered us today God delivered us today
Matthew spoke the words in quotations. The first exclamation of words, he spoke in a female-like voice and the other three in a deep manly voice. The children thought it was funny.
I also wrote weekly dramas telling the story of Moses and Pharaoh.
Chris is Pharaoh, but he couldn't keep a straight face at home. We joke around way too much when practising. My sons are hilarious! When they actually perform though, they are very serious in their roles, and never laugh at their underlying jokes. We let the children do that. It is so rewarding to hear children laugh.
Chris as Pharaoh:
Matthew as Aaron and Tim as Moses:
Here is a picture of all three of them in our living room practicing:
"Now go; I will help you speak and teach you what to say."
Exodus 4:12
Moses was afraid to speak on behalf of God to Pharaoh. However, God's response to Moses' fear and tepidness is stated in the verse above.
From experience I have come to know first hand the truth of this verse. God is always with each one of us to help us to speak and teach us what to say when we are in His will. Many times I have been in amazement at what comes out of my mouth when teaching children because they were not my thoughts or words, but God's. Give yourself to God as His servant and He will use you in ways you have never dreamed.