Sunday, July 31, 2011

God And Dragonflies

The area I live in is currently suffering the worst mosquito infestation in 20 years. You can't even go outside and enjoy summer because of them.  However, lately there has been a lot less mosquitoes, thanks to another type of insect. They are everywhere right now: dragonflies of various colours and sizes.

I managed to take a picture of one resting, which is very difficult to do because they are usually soaring past you. Dragonflies are one of the fastest insects in the world, travelling up to 100 kilometers per hour. These wonderful insects eat mosquitoes. Thank you God! They actually catch them with their six legs when they swoop past. I have never in my life seen so many dragonflies. They have come to the rescue! I am sure God created them just for the purpose of getting rid of those bloodsucking skeeters. From now on I will look upon dragonflies with great appreciation.

The dragonflies that I have seen so far are either golden yellow, bright blue, or red.

"I know every bird in the mountains, and the insects in the fields are mine."
Psalm 50:11

It is truly amazing that God knows every bird in the mountains and He also keeps track of all the insects in the field. God knows at all times the exact count of mosquitoes there are this summer and He also knows the children aren't able to play outside comfortably without getting bitten from head to toe. God saw the predicament and discomfort; so He sent dragonflies — and plenty of them — to lower the mosquito population. Isn't God good?

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Cornelius, A Roman Officer

Cornelius was a Roman army officer: a captain of the Italian Regiment. Acts chapter 10 says that he was a devout, God-fearing man that gave generously to the poor and prayed regularly to God. The Bible also says that everyone in his household was like Cornelius.

One day an angel appeared to Cornelius and told him to send for Simon Peter, one of the disciples of Jesus. Cornelius sent three of his Roman soldiers to summon Peter.

Just before the Roman soldiers reached Peter's house, Peter went up on his roof to pray. It was around noon, so Peter was naturally hungry. While he was praying, God gave Peter a vision. In the vision, Peter saw the sky open up and a large sheet let down with all kinds of animals, reptiles and birds on it. God spoke to Peter and told him to get up, kill the animals and eat them. Peter refused because of the Jewish laws which forbade him to eat anything that has been declared unclean and impure. Then God profoundly spoke to Peter again in verse 15: "Do not call something unclean if God has made it clean." The dream perplexed Peter. He was not able to understand its meaning.

Then the Holy Spirit spoke to Peter to go downstairs and greet at his front door the three men that Cornelius sent. When Peter opened the door, he saw that the men were Roman soldiers and therefore, Gentiles. It was against Jewish law at the time, for a Jew to associate with a Gentile, let alone enter his home. Peter now understood the meaning of his dream. Peter, being obedient to God, invited the three men to stay the night.

The next day Peter and other Jewish believers went with the Roman soldiers to speak to Cornelius the message God wanted him and his family to hear: the salvation message of Jesus Christ. Cornelius and all his household listened and were saved. Then immediately afterwards they were baptized by the Holy Spirit, astonishing the other Jewish believers.

God never shows disfavour to nationality or occupation, and we are not to call something unclean, when God has made it clean. Therefore, no matter what we may have done in the past, what nationality we are or what occupation/lifestyle we may have had, we are immediately made clean when we accept what Jesus did on the Cross for us and ask Him to come into our lives to be our Saviour.

Matthew drew his brother, Chris, the other day, as a Roman centurion:

The Roman soldiers were the ones that tortured Jesus, mocked and crucified Him, showing no mercy. However, when God looked upon Cornelius, He didn't see his helmet, sword or shield, remembering the cruel treatment of Roman soldiers towards His beloved Son. God didn't see Cornelius as a Gentile and not a Jew. Instead, He saw Cornelius' heart, and in a miraculous way brought the salvation message to him.

God has the right and power to make clean what is unclean. All God requires is for you to give your heart to Him.

Friday, July 29, 2011

The Birds Sing For Us

In my neighbourhood in the surrounding marshes, there are these beautiful black birds with deep red shoulder patches and yellow wing bars. They are male Red-winged Blackbirds. The females are not as pretty. They are a nondescript dark brown. I have never seen these types of birds before until I moved here.

"The birds of the air nest by the waters:
they sing among the branches."
Psalm 104:12

I find it absolutely amazing that each kind of bird that God created has their own unique song. The Red-winged Blackbird song sounds like a high-pitched whistle: "oak-a-lee". The female song sounds more like chatter: "chit chit chit chit chit chit cheer teer teer teer God sure is creative! I love listening to the different sounds of nature!

Here is a picture of a male Red-winged Blackbird sitting on top of a small tree. My son, Matthew, joined me on my daily walk and took this picture yesterday.

The marshes are nearby, where these birds nest in the cattails, and feed on butterflies and other insects.

Take time today to go outside and close your eyes. Then listen to the distinct and extraordinary sounds of nature. A peace and serenity will enfold you as you do.

*     *     *

Yesterday, on Tim's birthday, Matthew went to his bedroom and closed the door. He drew this picture of his brother on his 2nd birthday, and then presented the picture to Tim afterwards:

I thought he did an amazing job! I also thought it was sweet of him too! My sons' best friends are definitely their brothers.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I Am With You Always

The week we were doing VBS, we were all invited to the Seniors Pastor's house for a wonderful turkey dinner. There she showed me her journal. In her journal she writes at the end of each day something that occurred during day that she is thankful to God for. I thought this was such a great idea that yesterday I bought myself a journal to do the same.

The Seniors Pastor at one time suffered severe depression after a horrific tragedy to her family. Later, she became a Christian, went to Bible College and became a Pastor to both children and seniors. She has an amazing testimony and has recently written a book about it.

Negative thoughts can be harmful to your mind, body and soul. During those lonely moments when you start to feel depressed, go to God and His Word.

"Be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
Matthew 28:20

Then think of something that transpired during the day to thank God for.

Last night I wrote my first entry. "I am thankful to God that it finally stopped raining. I can now see the pretty blue sky again and it t looks like tomorrow will be a nice day. I am excited that I will be able to cut my lawn and work in my garden.

It is amazing how just a simple positive exercise can change your mood. If you struggle with negative thoughts of any kind, I recommend buying a journal to record daily all of God's blessings in your life.

*     *     *

Today is my son's birthday!

Happy Birthday Tim!

Matthew and I went to Walmart this morning to make him a birthday card with this picture that I took of him in his role for the dramas last week. He was the crazy hunter with a homemade gun that he talked and sang to.

We are celebrating Tim's birthday tomorrow when his older brother, Daniel, is free to attend his dinner party.

"You made all the delicate, inner parts of my 
body and knit me together in my mother's womb. 
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! 
Your workmanship is marvelous — how well I know it."
Psalm 139:13-14

I believe every person's birthday is a time to celebrate, for God created each one of us and loves us immensely!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

God's Joy Completes Your's

On our way home from doing Vacation Bible School, all of us felt this indescribable peace, joy and contentment that follows after doing God's work. The long drive home seemed short in comparison to the drive down. Our happiness came from God! That is the only way I can explain it. There is no greater delight and satisfaction that comes from knowing God is pleased. It is the same feeling one experiences when one chooses to do right over wrong, decides to sacrifice for the good of others, determines to forgive those who have hurt us deeply, or makes an effort to love the unlovely.

"I have told you this, so that My joy may be in you
and that your joy may be complete."
John 15:11

Having God's joy is so much more satisfying and complete than experiencing joy that comes from material wealth, fame and accomplishments.

Even our dogs were much more relaxed and enjoyed the trip back home. I believe they sensed what we were feeling.

Here are some pictures I took of them:

Barney poses for the camera. It's as if he knows he is getting his picture taken.

Barlow slept most of the way back.

Barney couldn't understand why Barlow was sleeping so much. He had to check to make sure he was okay.

Our dogs are part of the family. It is a blessing that the Pastors of the Church love animals and welcome them.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

All Scripture Is God-Breathed

Tim drew me a picture for my birthday last year of a young girl reading in a quiet spot in God's creation. I love to read and my most favorite book is the Word of God. I also enjoy the beauty and sounds of nature. Tim knows me very well.

I love God's Word because it is the only book written by God Himself. Every word of it is "God-breathed". Scripture states that the Bible is a guide book for a servant of God to live a righteous life, one that is pleasing to God. Therefore, the Bible can be used to teach, rebuke, correct and train. It is troubling that so many people today only view it in parts and ignore the rest. They do not believe that all that is written in the Bible is God's perfect truth.

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for
 teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 
so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."
2 Timothy 3:16-17

If you have any questions or concerns about how to live your life, read the Bible. Don't rely on popular public opinions for the answers. Go to God's Word! It is a book of great treasure to be taken to a quiet spot where there will be no interruptions, so you can study and ponder the life-changing words of God.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Giving From Their Hearts

On the last few days of Vacation Bible School, children began giving what they had to the workers in the Children's Ministry team to show their appreciation of all of us. I was truly blessed with great treasures. Three of the children gave me their beautiful cross necklaces that they had made. I was extremely delighted to wear all of them around my neck. I felt very honoured. Such unexpected gifts from the of kindness of the children's hearts will be forever remembered.

One precious boy even gave me his elegant cross that he made that day. I have now put that cross on my fridge as a daily reminder of his sweet thoughtfulness.

My son, Tim, also received a cross necklace from a girl. He wore it proudly all the way home. Even when we stopped at a restaurant to eat lunch, he never took it off.

These gifts are priceless and treasurable!

"And do not forget to do good and to share with others, 
for with such sacrifices God is pleased."
Hebrews 13:16

The children giving to us was a sign that they were responding to the Spirit of God, for it is in Scripture to do good and share with others. The children gave what they had, the beautiful crafts that they had made. They were great sacrifices and the heart of God was pleased!

This sacrificial giving did not occur in the beginning days, but in the last days of the week when the truths of God's Word and His love were being so absorbed by the children that they were compelled to act.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

From The Lips Of Children

"But when the chief priests and the teachers of the law saw the wonderful things He did
 and the children shouting in the temple courts, 'Hosanna to the Son of David!'
 they were indignant.
'Do you hear what these children are saying?' they asked Him.
'Yes,' replied Jesus, 'have you never read, From the lips of children and infants,
 You, Lord, have called forth Your praise?'"
Matthew 21:15-16

Here is a recording of all the children singing "Oh How He Loves Us" on the last day of VBS. Many of the parents were able to come to listen and watch the children give praise to their Heavenly Father. We know Someone else was watching them as well and must have been very blessed! Jesus prophesied in Matthew that from the lips of children, God will be praised! May we be like children in worshipping God. At the end, when the music fades, you can really hear the children singing loudly the chorus of this song.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Always Welcome A Child

"Then He put a little child among them. Taking the child in His arms,
 He said to them, 'Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on My behalf,
 welcomes Me, and anyone who welcomes Me, welcomes not only Me, 
but also My Father who sent Me."
Mark 9:36-37

This Bible verse states that if we welcome children into our lives, we welcome God. Therefore, it is important to always receive or accept children with great pleasure, as God sees this as giving welcome to Him. How God must love children for Him to say this? They are indeed a joy to experience! Love God everyone by loving children!

Here is a picture of my two favourite girls!

Here they are again with me:

These two precious girls are now in a picture with three of my sons:

My sons and I feel so very blessed after being with approximately 60 children this last week and see them respond to God's love and His Word.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Last Day Of VBS

Here is the drama for the last day of VBS.  It is called, "God Gives Good Gifts."  (Click on the YouTube logo for better streaming.)

When it came time to quote the verse, I couldn't remember if it started with "I" or "You." Oh well, it is something to laugh about later. It sure is fun acting with my sons! You should see the practises. We laugh constantly throughout and crack jokes that nobody else will ever hear.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Song #7

Here is the last song on our Point To Jesus CD. (Click on the YouTube logo for better streaming.)

This is our fourth drama.  It is called, "God Loves Us, No Matter What!"  (Click on the YouTube logo for better streaming.)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Song #6

Here is the sixth song on our Point To Jesus CD. (Click on the YouTube logo for better streaming.)

This is our third drama.  It is called, "God Watches Over You."  (Click on the YouTube logo for better streaming.)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Song #5

Here is the fifth song on our Point To Jesus CD. (Click on the YouTube logo for better streaming.)

This is our second drama.  It's called, "God Listens To You!" (Click on the YouTube logo for better streaming.)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Song #4

Here is the fourth song on our Point To Jesus CD. (Click on the YouTube logo for better streaming.)

This is our first drama.  It is called, "God Made You!" A boy started crying, but it wasn't because of Tim's gun, honest. (Click on the YouTube logo for better streaming.)

At the end, I realized I had forgotten an important line, the children's memory verse for the day.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Song #3

Here is the third song on our Point To Jesus CD. (Click on the YouTube logo on bottom right for better streaming.)

Just to let you know, we safely arrived at our destination yesterday.  Here is a picture of the SUV packed and us ready to go.  I was excited, Tim was crying, Chris was ambivalent, and Matthew was stoic.  They obviously weren't in any kind of mood to have their picture taken.  This is definitely a picture for my scrapbook.

Unfortunately, Daniel wasn't able to come with us this year, because he was working during the week of VBS.  We appreciate all the hours of work he put in beforehand, mixing and mastering for our Point to Jesus CD.  Everyone here sure misses him!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Song #2

Here is the second song on our Point to Jesus CD. (Click on the YouTube logo on bottom right for better streaming.)

Yesterday Tim made himself a gun for a prop in one of our dramas that we will be performing during next week of Pandamania Vacation Bible School. Tim's character in the dramas will be a crazy hunter. Chris will be a Chinese peasant. Matthew will be a giant panda and I will be a missionary sent to China. We will be recording the dramas this year, so I will post them for you all to see.

Here are two pictures of Tim's awesome gun. Any hunter would be jealous, any crazy hunter that is!

It even comes with a scope and instructions: "Point this end towards target".

The only problem is I don't see a trigger on the gun. I guess that is a good thing!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Song #1

It's finished!

Here is the first song on our Point To Jesus CD. (Click on the YouTube logo on bottom right for better streaming.)

Tim is singing and playing keyboard; Daniel is playing the electric guitar; Chris the drums and Matthew the bass.

We will be heading on our way tomorrow morning, so we can see everyone in Church Sunday morning before doing Pandamania Vacation Bible School next week. 

I will still keep blogging and posting each individual song on the CD.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

How He Loves Us

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us,
that we should be called children of God!
And that is what we are!"
1 John 3:1

The last song we chose was again a song we taught the children last year. We were asked by the children time and time again to sing this song, "How He Loves Us", so we are doing it again this year. The lyrics that touched their hearts and mine are:

He is jealous for me, 
Love's like a hurricane; I am a tree,
Bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy.
When all of a sudden,
I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory,
And I realize just how beautiful You are,
And how great Your affections are for me.

Oh, how He loves us so.
Oh, how He loves us.
How He loves us so.

So we re His portion and He is our prize,
Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes.
If grace is an ocean, we're all sinking.
So heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss,
And my heart turns violently inside of my chest.
I don't have time to maintain these regrets,
When I think about the way.

This song is a wonderful reminder of how much God loves us. I think this is something we all need to tell ourselves regularly and singing this song does just that! I really don't think any of us fully understand the depth of God's love, until we finally meet Him face to face in a place where we will no longer feel the insecurities that at times cripple us. Hurts from those we love, rejection, failure, dysfunctional homes, abusive relationships and the selfishness of others all get in the way of accepting the magnitude of love we have from our Heavenly Father. Be rest assured that despite what we may feel, God loves us dearly!

Starting tomorrow, I will start posting the recorded songs. The CDs are being burned as I write. I pray that God will use them to minister to the hearts and lives of all the children and their families as they listen to the songs throughout the year. We chose these particular songs because the lyrics portray the life-altering truths of God.

*     *     *

My sons, Tim and Matthew go for daily runs. Chris is starting to run with them now too. On their feet, they wear these crazy looking shoes called "five fingers". 

Here a picture of a pair:

Tim and Matthew have very large feet, so I worry that the prints in the ground will make people think "Big Foot" is in the area prowling around. If Matthew keeps growing his hair, they might think he is "Big Foot". (Don't tell Matthew I said that.)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Our God

"What shall we say about such wonderful things as these?
If God is for us, who can ever be against us?'
Romans 8:31

We taught the song "Our God" to the children last year and the children loved it so much that we are going to do this song again  If you haven't heard of this song yet, the lyrics are:

Water You turned into wine.
Open the eyes of the blind.
There's no one like You.
None like You.
Into the darkness, You shine.
Out of the ashes we rise.
There's no one like You.
None like You.

Our God is greater; our God is stronger.
God You are higher than any other.
Our God is Healer, awesome in power,
Our God, our God.

And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us?
And if our God is with us, then what can stand against? (2x)
What can stand against?

I think the children loved this song so much because it instilled in their minds just how powerful God really is. God is the answer to all our prayers, whether a person is in need of a physical or emotional healing, or a miracle, or the restoration of a relationship or finances or provisions or deliverance from addictions. Nothing is too difficult for God! If God is for us, and with us, we have the strength and hope to proceed forward in this life, so we can be a blessing to God and to others.

"Our God" is a popular worship song in many churches here on Sunday mornings.

*     *     *

When I first moved to the Prairies, I knew nothing about farming.  Then July came and I was taken back at the beauty of the farm fields that were all in yellow blooms. It was breathtaking to behold, but I had no idea what  the plants were. I expected to see wheat or hay fields, but instead I saw these surrounding farm acreages of delicate yellow flowers. When  I asked my neighbour about them, he told me they were canola plants. They are now again in bloom and so yesterday I took a picture of them for you all to see. 

The French community in which we live in is just on the outskirts of the city. It is very picturesque at this time of year! The town also boasts a beautiful historic Roman Catholic Church built on a hill. I love hearing the thundering deep resonant tone of the church bell that is rung every hour during the day.

Here is a picture of this church:

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


"Shout to the Lord, all the earth; break out in praise and sing for joy!"
Psalm 98:4

Another Jesus Culture song we chose is called, "Rooftops". The lyrics are:

Here I am before You,
Falling in love and seeking Your truth,
Knowing that Your perfect grace,
Has brought me to this place.
Because of You I freely live.
My life to You, Oh God, I give;
So I stand before You, God.
I lift my voice 'cause You set me free.

So I shout our Your Name.
From the rooftops I proclaim,
That I am Yours. I am Yours.

All the good You've done for me,
I lift up my hands for all to see.
You're the only one who brings me to my knees.
To share this love across the earth,
The beauty of Your holy worth;
So I kneel before You, God.

I lift my hands 'cause You set me free.

Here I am, I stand, with arms wide open,
To the One, the Son, the Everlasting God.

This song is a declaration of giving our lives to God. We will teach the children this song during the latter days of the week of Pandamania Vacation Bible School, when the children have had to chance to make that personal commitment to God if they haven't done so already.

I will teach the children to sign all the key words in the songs we sing, but when it comes to the words, "I lift up my hands for all to see", then I will teach them to lift their hands towards God. I love watching the children do this. If touches my heart to see all the children worshipping God in this way, and if it touches my heart, just think how it must touch the heart of God. Many adults today are uncomfortable raising their hands. I try to teach the children in song to do this, so when they reach adulthood, they will not feel inhibited to lift their hands towards God as a form of worship.

*     *     *

I was able to take a picture the other day of my Yorkshire Terrier and Angora cat in their pet bed. My Yorkie just got a new stuffy, so he brought it to bed with him for the night. He loves to chew, and carry around a stuffy for you to throw it, so he can retrieve it for you. I have to replace his stuffy periodically because once he has chewed a hole in it, he takes all the stuffing out and leaves it all around the house. He is quite the character, and so is the cat. I would like to catch the cat playing the piano one time, so I can record him doing it. The only problem is that I would have to get up in the middle of the night to do it.

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Way

"Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.
No one can come to the Father except through me."
John 14:6

"The Way" by Jeremy Camp is the song Chris chose. It's a great song! Here are the lyrics:

All creation cried out with longing,
With groans only You could comprehend,
And with wisdom, You always answer,
And give the words of life so unfailing.

And Your glory shines all around us.
Your faithfulness shown for all to see.
When we think of all of Your wonders,
The beauty of Your plan that's been revealed,
We walk in Your light. We walk in it.

Shine, bright.
Let Your glory fill this land.
Lift high, the King of kings and great I am.
Jesus, You are the way
You are the way.

We can see the works of Your loving hands.
With a hope and peace not made by man.
When You poured out Your grace and Your mercy,
And You held out Your arms so we could see.
You bled for all mankind and set the captive free.

Na, na, na, na, na, na, Jesus.

This worship song teaches the children to desire God's glory to shine and fill this land. All we have to do is look around and we can see God's glory. It is evident in His magnificent wonders in creation, in His Word, the Bible, and in the miracles He performs daily, However, when we worship God with a true heart, His glory will be magnified in His presence in a much greater sense. Our worship to Him brings a hope, peace and joy that is not attainable from any other source, but God alone. I pray the children will learn and earnestly desire to worship God for eternity.

*     *     *

Our pets have taken on the characteristics of our family. We have a Sheltie that sings on command and a cat that plays the piano; however, only at night when everyone is sleeping. One time, the cat played the piano for such a long duration, my sons didn't believe it was her. I didn't think so either. I thought one of them had gotten up, started sleep-walking and went to the piano to play. It just sounded too good for the cat to be playing. While I was still in bed, I yelled out to who I thought was one of my sons, "Will you stop playing the piano and go back to bed. People are sleeping!" I didn't get any response and kept hearing music, so then I got really scared.  The thought came to mind that maybe a drunken stranger broke into the house. When I snuck into the living room, to my shock and relief,  I saw the cat jump off the piano bench. I guess it shouldn't be a surprise that even my animals love music!

Here is a short video of my dog singing. The noise, I mean song, brought the cat from downstairs to dash to where Barney was. I'm not too sure it the cat enjoys Barney's singing or not? I will let you decide for yourself.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Forever Reign

"When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world.
 Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, 
but will have the light of life."
John 8:12

Daniel chose "Forever Reign" by Hillsong and One Sonic Society. The lyrics of this beautiful song are as follows:

You are good. You are good,
When there's nothing good in me.
You are love. You are love,
On display for all to see.

You are light. You are light.
When the darkness closes in.
You are hope. You are hope.
You have covered all my sin.

You are peace. You are peace.
Whom my fear is crippling.
You are true. You are true,
Even in my wandering.

You are joy. You are joy.
You're the reason that I sing.
You are life. You are life.
In You death has lost its sting.

Oh, I'm running to Your arms.
I'm running to Your arms.
The riches of Your love will always be enough.
Nothing compares to Your embrace.
Light of the world, forever reign.

You are more. You are more,
Than my words will every say.
You are Lord. You are Lord.
All creation will proclaim.

You are here. You are here.
In Your presence I'm made whole.
You are God. You are God.
Of all else I'm letting go.

My heart will sing,
No other name,
Jesus, Jesus.

We have everything we need in Jesus:

He is good and perfect. 
He is love and His love is available for all. 
Jesus is light in the darkness of this world.
He is hope in our desperation. 
He is peace and in Him there is no fear. 
Jesus is true and faithful. He will never change,
He is joy, even in sadness we can still sing.
He is life because His sacrificial death paid the price for our sins.
Jesus is more than we could ever desire.
He is Lord and one day all of creation will bow at His name.
He is here and His beautiful presence encompasses us.
Jesus is God and there is no other god like Him.

When we have Jesus in our lives and hearts, we are made complete. There is nothing else we need in this world.

*     *     *

Yesterday, Matthew and I went to four computer stores looking for the right CDs to record the songs. We couldn't find the ones we wanted and became very discouraged.. Then a stranger mentioned the store "Staples". Matthew and I instantly looked at each other and thought, "Why not?" and headed off that direction. Believe in or not, we found the brand we wanted! There were even specially designed ones that we thought were really cool, so we bought them. The CDs actually look like mini records and they come in five different colours. 

Here is a picture of them.

We will soon start burning them. We are very excited! It has been a lot of hard work.

Saturday, July 09, 2011

I Will Follow

"As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, 
Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, 
for they were fishermen. 'Come, follow me,' Jesus said, 'and I will make you fishers of men.' 
At once they left their nets and followed Him.
Matthew 4:18-20

Tim chose the next song and we all agreed wholeheartedly. It is called, "I Will Follow" by Chris Tomlin. Here are the lyrics:

Where You go, I'll go.
Where You stay, I'll stay.
When You move, I'll move.
I will follow.

All Your ways are good.
All Your ways are sure.
I will trust in You alone
Higher than my side,
High above my life,
I will trust in You alone.

Who You love, I'll love.
How You serve, I'll serve.
If this life, I lose.
I will follow You.
I will follow You.

Light unto the world.
Light unto my life.
I will live for You alone.
You're the One I seek.
Knowing, I will find.
All I need in You alone, 
In You alone.

In You there's life everlasting.
In You there's freedom for my soul.
In You there's joy, unending joy.
And I will follow.

We all liked this song because it teaches the children that the Christian walk is all about following Jesus Christ as set out in the Scriptures. Our desire is to please God and live for Him alone, not ourselves. In doing so, a person will find the greatest joy and satisfaction in their lives. When we reach the end our time on earth, the reward will be immeasurable.

I hope the children will be able to apply their decision to follow Jesus in what they choose to watch on television or movie theatres, what sites they go on in the internet, what video games they play, what they say about others and even how they dress. In everything we say and do, we need to glorify God.

God gave us His all. We need to honour God by giving Him our all.

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Here is a picture of three precious girls that I use to babysit in the place I lived before. They are all the same age. This picture was taken when my sons and I took them camping with the Church's Kids Life group.

I am sharing this picture because I will be seeing them all again in just over a week. They are all coming to Pandamania Vacation Bible School. I can't wait to see them all! They each have very special qualities that God has given them.

Friday, July 08, 2011

One Thing Remains

We are presently in the process of recording seven songs for a CD which we will give to all the children to take home at the end of Pandamania Vacation Bible School. I will post them as soon as they are complete for you all to listen to, which should be in a few days. We will be teaching all the songs on the CD to the children during the week of VBS.

"The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease."
Lamentations 3:22

We prayed about the choice of songs beforehand and one of the songs is entitled "One Thing Remains" from the Jesus Culture album "Come Away".

The lyrics are as follows:

Higher than the mountains that I face,
Stronger than the power of the grave,
Constant through the trial and the change,
One thing remains.
One thing remains.

Your love never fails.
It never gives up.
It never runs out on me.

On and on and on and on it goes.
It overwhelms and satisfies my soul.
And I never ever have to be afraid.
One thing remains.

In death and in life I'm confident,
And covered by the power of Your great love.
My debt is paid. There's nothing that can
Separate my heart from Your great love.

I chose this song because as a child I remember vividly a time when my parents were fighting hostilely, with my mother crying hysterically at the end. My dad then announced to my mom he was leaving for good. I saw him angrily walk out our front door. I was a young girl with spunk and so I yelled after him, "And don't ever come back!" My mother then screamed louder and bitterly said to me later, "If he never comes back, it is your fault!" I was terrified at what I had done and was ridden with guilt. The fear I felt was overwhelming that I might be to blame for the destruction of my family. Fortunately, my father came back and from then on I tried not to get involved in their fights anymore.

The lyrics of this song gives me the peace and assurance that even though my father's love was not constant, God's love will never fail. He will never run out on me, even if I get mad at Him or disappoint Him at times. I hope these lyrics will speak the same to the children at VBS. I know many children these days come from split homes and are suffering insecurities, anger and guilt.

In many ways, I am still like that little girl, that yelled out to her father. I haven't changed much over the years. I am quick to defend someone against any kind of abuse. When I was a teenager, I even tried to stop a schoolyard fight between two teenage boys, while everyone else was standing around watching them, cheering the bully on and making fun of the nerd. After the fighting finally stopped, I reprimanded the bully and the spectators. It was the first time I think I preached a sermon.

One time a missionary from Israel came to my church, stopped in the middle of his sermon, looked at me and started prophesying.  He told me God had called me to be His spokesperson because I am not afraid to speak or act on His behalf. I was actually embarrassed, but the fact is that statement is true. Normally, I am quiet and soft-spoken, but if I see injustice, I speak up and act. When I do, it usually shocks people.

*     *     *

Here are some pictures Tim took last night of my sons, Chris and Matthew, as they head off to Taekwondo. Matthew keeps bugging me that I should join too. I told them I don't need to. I now have them as my bodyguards.

Thursday, July 07, 2011

No Favourtism With God

The last Bible story to be told to the children in Pandamania Vacation Bible School is found in 1 Samuel 1:1 - 2:11. It is the story of a barren woman named Hannah, who desperately wanted a child and couldn't. To make things worse, she was taunted by her husband's other wife who had many children. However, Hannah was her husband's favourite. Obviously, the other wife's negative actions towards Hannah were most likely fueled by jealousy. (Serves the man right for having two wives and favouring one over the other.)

I know the focus of the story is Hannah. However, I can't help but feel sorry for both of the women. One had the heartache of not having children and the other one, the heartache of having a husband that loved another woman more. The husband even visibly showed his favouritism by giving Hannah double portion of the meat sacrificed to the Lord.

Also, this passage of Scripture states: "And the Lord had closed up her womb." When I read this, I can't help but ask questions, "Why did the Lord close up Hannah's womb?" Was it because God was not pleased when this man and Hannah married? He already had a wife and God blessed the union with multiple children. How come the man wasn't satisfied? Was marrying Hannah a way for this man to justify infidelity? I don't know the answers to these questions, but I do know that in time God had compassion on Hannah and finally opened up her womb. He gave her a son, which she promised to give back to God at a young age. The son grew to love and serve God in the temple of the High Priest.

I know I have a tendency to look at things differently that most people, but what I learned from reading this story is the importance of not showing favouritism. Fortunately, polygamy is illegal in Canada and United States, so I am applying this principle to parents, teachers, and children's pastors. We need to be very careful never to show favour to one child over the others. This will only cause strife and heartache in the family and ministry. Each child needs to be loved and treated equally. It is very important to do a mental check regularly to make sure we are not  showing any kind of partiality.

It is comforting to know that God never shows favourtism and loves each one of us the same. Your beauty, your intelligence, your talents, your sinful past, your age, or your wealth make absolutely no difference to God in terms of His love and care for you.  I know I wouldn't want to feel the inadequacy and hurt a woman feels when her husband loves another. I am thankful that God is never like that. His love for you will never change. There is not a single person on earth that God loves more than you!

*      *     *

I use to love to draw and colour with pencil crayons when I was young. When I got married, we didn't have a lot of money, so for gifts I would draw pictures and frame them.  

Tim and Matthew also love to draw. For Mother's Day, both of them drew me a picture from my favourite move, Tangled. Tim painted the chameleon, Pascal, and Matthew penciled the horse, Maximus.

Aren't my sons talented? I love home-made gifts!

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Peter Heard and Ran

The next day's Bible story, which will be told to the children attending Pandamania Vacation Bible School, is the crucifixion and resurrection story of Jesus. The Biblical reference to this account is found in Luke 23:1 - 24:12.

As I study these Scriptures more thoroughly, my eyes rest on two verses in chapter 24: verses 11 and 12. On the morning of the first day of the week, women had gone to the tomb, where Jesus had been laid, to anoint his body with spices that they had prepared. Upon reaching the tomb, the women noticed the stone blocking the tomb's entrance had been rolled away. When they went inside, they couldn't find Jesus' body anywhere. Then two angels appeared to them announcing with jubilance that Jesus was no longer dead. He was alive!

I can imagine just how excited they were when they ran back to tell the eleven disciples of Jesus and all others that their beloved Saviour was alive. However, the ten of the eleven disciples refused to believe the women.

"But they did not believe the women, because their words
seemed to them like nonsense. Peter, however,
got up and ran to the tomb."

One of the disciples, and yes, it was Peter, got up and ran to the tomb. The Bible says that he was the only one out of the eleven that decided to check their story out.

How many times have we gone to someone or a group of people and tell the truth about something, only to be left discouraged, frustrated and insulted because the person or people refused to believe us or at least investigate the story throughly to find out if it is true or not.

Peter sets a prime example, to never dismiss or readily accept a miraculous account or an accusation of another person. We, especially leaders, need to examine the facts first before deciding if it is a lie, the truth or just crazy talk. Just like Peter, we need to run, go to the tomb and see for ourselves if what is being told is the truth. All people deserve that respect, no matter what you make initially think.

I feel I partly understand what these women must have felt like. I felt somewhat that way not too long ago when my newly bought RAV4 was taken to the Toyota dealership by a tow truck. When I told the service manager that the brakes failed on the vehicle, she didn't believe me and treated me like I was brainless. I was annoyed to say the least. To make things worse, the mechanics couldn't duplicate the problem in the test drive, so they assumed I was imagining things. I wonder how long the test drive was? Anyways, I just hope now they don't try to sell it again and someone gets hurt.

Most of time I do try to have one or some of my sons with me in dealing with these kinds of situations. My husband travels long distance with his job and can't always be there. It's kind of funny too because several times people here have mistaken my oldest son, Daniel, as my husband. He hates that! When this occurs, he looks at me and frowns. I look at him and giggle.

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I should have posted this picture in yesterday's blog. In the town which I live in, cats are not allowed outdoors. Yesterday, my cat snuck outside when I opened the back door and then tried to hide from me, under the patio. Matthew took the picture.  I should have called the cat "Jonah", except the cat is a she. Her actual name is "Hunter" and she is now a year old. Sadly, our other cat had to be put down, a year and a half ago.

Hunter is an Angora cat with beautiful soft silky hair. She is also very calm and gentle. She sleeps at the bottom of my bed in a pet bed placed on top of an ottoman. She and my Yorkie are best friends. I guess it is because they are the same size. Many times I catch my Yorkie sleeping with her in the pet bed with Hunter's paws around him. It's so cute!

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Jonah's A Hero

The third Bible story that will be taught to the children on their third day of Pandamania Vacation Bible School in the story of Jonah being swallowed by a great fish. This Bible story is found in the book of Jonah chapters one, two and three.

When this true account of Jonah is told, most people view him as dim-witted and cold-hearted. Jonah thought he could run and hide from God. How foolish is that belief? He also lacked the compassion and mercy to see an evil nation repent and turn to God, so that their lives might be saved from impeding judgment. However, when I read this story very carefully, I see a different side of Jonah, one most people overlook.

Verse 12 of chapter 1 states Jonah replied to the terrified crew of the ship in the midst of a violent storm by saying:

"Pick me up and throw me into the sea, and it will become calm. 
I know that it is my fault that this great storm 
has come upon you."

This man, Jonah, was willing to have his life sacrificed for the survival of a group of men that were complete strangers to him. Who knows? Maybe they were evil men, just as evil as the people of Nineveh, and yet Jonah was willing to die for them. Drowning is not a pleasant death either. I'm certain I wouldn't want to drown. Jonah could have asked for a life preserver, dingy or something to keep him afloat, but he didn't. He could have lied to the men, stayed on the ship and died with them all. After all, isn't it better to die with company than to die alone? However, Jonah's conscience wouldn't allow it. Instead he immediately confessed that the storm was his fault and was willing to pay the price.  Now does that sound cowardly or heartless to you?

Why are we so quick to see the faults of others and ignore their strengths? Why do we take one situation where someone acts foolishly and brand them that title for life. When the name "Jonah" is brought to our attention, what is the first thing we think of?  "Uhm, 'Jonah', let's see, isn't he the guy that was such a goof-ball?" Alright, maybe I feel sorry for Jonah because he made a mistake and people focus on that blunder. What we don't realize is that he must have had strong positive attributes for God to choose him in the first place as one of His prophets. I guess I see Jonah in a contrasting light. Obviously, God did too because He saved Jonah's life and gave him a second chance.

Then in verse 1:16 it states the outcome of Jonah's sacrifice:

"Then the men feared the Lord greatly and they offered a
sacrifice to the Lord and made vows."

When Jonah was finally thrown overboard, the storm abruptly ceased and the men on the ship knew instantly that Jonah's God was real. Then they offered a sacrifice to God and made vows to Him. We don't know how many men were on that ship, but we do know that they came to the realization that God was real and they wanted to serve Him afterwards. Now, that's pretty awesome! Jonah's selfless act saved the lives of all those men on board that ship, and not just from a physical death, but from a spiritual death as well.

Jonah wasn't foolish or uncaring all the time. He was human who made mistakes occasionally, just like all of us. I know I wouldn't want people to remember me only for my dumb mistakes, (and believe me I have made my share). I want people to see me as a person who was willing to admit her mistakes, learn from them and correct them if possible. And that is exactly what Jonah did! In my eyes, Jonah is a hero! Not only that, but after being given a second chance, Jonah was obedient to God and warned the people of Nineveh of God's coming judgement. The Ninevites listened to Jonah and repented of their evil ways. As a result, God spared the whole city of Nineveh. (I know. Jonah pouted afterwards and God had to give him an object lesson. I didn't say he was perfect.)

*     *     *

Yesterday I took a picture of the deck and patio that was built last year. The deck that was there before was just a temporary one and very unstable. Tim, Matthew and I knew nothing about building a patio, but we studied how on the internet before proceeding. Tim designed the base of the deck and I designed the railings, lamp posts and chains. It was a lot of fun working together and I love how it turned out!

Monday, July 04, 2011

Elijah The Troublemaker

The second Bible story that will be taught to the children on day two of Pandamania Vacation Bible School is the story of Elijah confronting the prophets of Baal. This story is found in 1 Kings 18:16-38.

In this passage of Scripture two verses speak volumes. The first one is found in 1 Kings 18:17. When Ahab sees Elijah, he angrily exclaims, "So, is it really you, you troublemaker of Israel?"

How many times have we as Christians been thought of as a troublemaker when standing up for God and His righteousness? If so, do not be discouraged, but  be encouraged, for the Prophet Elijah, a man faithful to God, was considered one.

When I first moved to this province, I was offered the position of Children's Pastor in a neighbouring town. I had several private meetings with the Lead Pastor of the Church concerning my role and their expectations. The first meeting went well, and I was excited about my new job. However, as time went on, the Spirit of God within me became uneasy. There were things about this Pastor that disturbed me greatly. I earnestly prayed about it and decided to confront the Pastor in the next meeting about those feelings and questions that I had. I knew I was risking my position as Children's Pastor by doing so, but I had to be obedient to the warnings of God. The Pastor's reaction was that of intense anger towards me for daring to question him, confirming what I already knew through the Spirit of God.  My mistake was that I should have brought one of my sons with me. I won't deny that I was hurt, because I was. I shed many tears, retreated inward, and became afraid to venture forth to what God has called me to do. ( I have a tendency to react this way when someone I thought I could or should trust, betrays or hurts me.) However, I thank God for showing me ahead of time that this man wasn't walking righteously with God. My hurt would have been far greater later. I frightened this man because I wasn't gullible. None of God's children are. We have the Spirit of God within us to guide, warn and correct. I guess this Pastor viewed me as a troublemaker, just as the prophets of Baal viewed Elijah. Even though I needed time for emotional healing, I am glad that I stood up to this man and did not allow him to intimidate me any further. I declined the position and reported him in writing to the District Superintendent.

I am now excited to announce that I am again venturing forth. I have recently put my name in with the Pentecostals Assemblies of Canada for a Children's Pastor's job. I eagerly look forward to see what God's plans are for me and my sons in the near future. I would so much appreciate your prayers.

The second verse that speaks to me in this Bible passage is found in verse 21 where Elijah challenges the double-mindedness of the people of Israel.

"How much longer will you waver, hobbling between
 two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him!
But if Baal is God, then follow him!"

The people of this world need to also make a strong, unwavering commitment to God: if they choose to serve Him. It is not a one-day-a-week commitment, but an every day commitment for the rest of their lives. It is not a show, but a genuine heart-felt desire to love God.

Don't be deceived by positions people hold in Churches  and assume that they are truly committed to God. God knows the heart. and their actions speak louder than words. Listen to the voice and stirrings of God's Spirit that resides in you.

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I took some pictures yesterday of my flower beds. Where I used to live, my neighbour's yard always looked like Butcher Gardens. I tried to remember all that she taught me about gardening. Whenever, she was sad, upset or anxious about something, she would go out into her garden to work; and her spirits would be lifted. I learned so much from her. What a blessing she was to me!

And just to think when I first moved here, the property was nothing but dirt and clay. I had seven dump truck loads of top soil brought in. Tim moulded the flower beds for me and I grew the grass from seed, the only one in the neighbourhood that did. My neighbours approached me and told me I was crazy. (I don't know why people keep saying that to me.) Anyways, just to be on the safe side, I prayed over the seeds and asked God to bless them. I was worried that I was going to look a fool to my neighbours. You see, I thought it would be more rewarding to watch grass grow from seeds and, of course, less expensive than turf.

I love watering my flowers in the evening. It gives me so much pleasure. I always sense God's presence with me as I water my flowers and think what it must have been like for Adam and Eve in the beautiful Garden of Eden.