In my heart and mind, I have dreams of God miraculously healing the sick. I have had these dreams since I was a little girl. These dreams reveal the absolute impossible even to the minds of most Christians, so I have kept quiet about them in fear of being mocked or treated as if I was crazy. But no matter how much I try to ignore these dreams, they never go away. The stirrings in my heart are never stilled. In my dreams I see limbs appear where they were once amputated. I see severely physically and mentally challenged people become completely normal. I see the disfigured and wrinkled skin of burn victims become smooth. I see the near death rise back to health and vitality.
The Bible says that when Jesus traveled throughout the land, teaching the Word of God, He healed
every kind of disease and illness.
'Jesus traveled throughout the region of Galilee,
teaching in then synagogues
and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom.
And He healed every kind of disease
and illness."
Matthew 4:23 (NLT)
The Bible also says the if we listen
carefully to God's voice, do what is right in
His sight (not the world's), obey
His commands, and keep
all His decrees (which means we can't pick and choose), He will heal us.
"He said, 'If you will listen carefully
to the voice of the Lord your God
and do what is right in His sight,
obeying His commands
and keeping all His decrees,
then I will not make you suffer
any of the diseases
I sent on the Egyptians;
for I am the Lord who heals you.'
Exodus 15:26 (NLT)
But today most churches are revising the Word of God to be more acceptable in our society. What in His Word God says is wrong we now say is right, and we justify our new standards and beliefs on our changing culture. However, God does not change and neither does His Word.
"He never changes
or casts a shifting shadow."
James 1:17b (NLT)
Men and women have a tendency to change their mind, but God is not human. Therefore, He will never change His mind. Why then I ask are Christians changing His Word?
"And He who is the Glory of Israel
will not lie,
nor will He change His mind,
for He is not human
that He should change His mind!"
1 Samuel 1:29 (NLT)
I believe strongly that if the churches get back to God's Word, do what is right in His sight, obey His commands, and keep all His decrees, they will begin to see miracles and healings from God like they have never seen or dreamed of before. In this world and in the world to come, the Lord our God is
far above any ruler, authority, power, leader, or
anything else. This includes sickness, disease, physical and mental disablities, and death.
"Now He is far above any ruler
or authority
or power
or leader
or anything else —
not only in this world
but also in the world to come."
Ephesians 1:21 (NLT)
I pray that we will all give honour and respect to God's unchanging Word, and live to please Him, so that His mighty power can flow to heal the sick among us.