Friday, September 23, 2011

Made From Red Clay

The magnificent red rocks outlining the coast of Prince Edward Island make it distinct from the western coast of Canada. For five years, Brian, our sons, and I lived in Campbell River on the coast of Vancouver Island. My youngest son, Matthew, was born there. I loved living by the ocean and I miss it very much. However, compared to Vancouver Island, Prince Edward Island is far more beautiful because of the red rocks and sands that brightly contrast the blue of the ocean and skies above, and the lush green vegetation of the land. It is absolutely spectacular!

Here are some pictures I took:

It is interesting to note that the first man God created was made from red clay. The name "Adam" is derived from the Hebrew word for "man", pronounced, "aw-dawn". This word is also related to the Hebrew word "Aw-dawn-ah, which means red earth or red clay, indicating the natural earth elements that composed Adam's body.

"Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground.
He breathed the breath of life into the man's nostrils,
and the man became a living person."
Genesis 2:7

Also, the Bible uses the colour red to represent sin, and God, who is all-knowing, knew Adam would eventually sin against Him. Later the colour red was symbolic of the blood of Christ that was shed to pay for the sin of Adam and all mankind.

Until I visited Prince Edward Island, I never in my life saw red clay, rocks, or sand, so in Bible College, I couldn't really comprehend "red clay". Now I can, and the creation story became that much more real to me.

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