Saturday, July 02, 2016

God Has Made Laughter For Us

"Sarah said, 'God has made laughter for me;
everyone who hears will laugh with me.'"
Genesis 21:6 (NASB)

I am sure Newfoundlanders, who are known for their great sense of humour, believe God has made laughter for them. And everyone who hears their sense of humour can't help but laugh with them.

I laughed when I saw this street sign in Twillingate. At the time the wind was so strong I struggled to even stand straight.

Also, my son Daniel noticed that many of the homes in rural Newfoundland have front doors without stairs. We thought it was very strange, until we talked to a Newfoundlander about it.

Apparently before Confederation, rural homes usually had only one door, commonly located at the back of the house. After Confederation in 1949, Ottawa regulated that all homes must have both a front and back door for fire safety reasons, but stated nothing about having stairs.

Newfoundlanders obeyed the law. They put in the front doors on the top floor of their homes, but left out the stairs. Later, they jokingly called these front doors "mother-in-law doors".

Newfoundlanders are so much fun to be around! Their sense of humour is such good medicine to one's heart.

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