Sunday, March 31, 2013

Once In The Heart Of The Earth, But Now In The Hearts Of His People

After the Son of God died on the Cross, He didn't come back to life immediately. He stayed in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights, just as Jonah did in the belly of the great fish.

"For as Jonah
was in the belly of the great fish
 for three days and three nights,
so will the Son of Man
be in the heart of the earth
for three days and three nights."
Matthew 12:40 (NLT)

People shouted abuse and shook their heads in mockery as they passed by Jesus hanging on the Cross. They taunted Jesus and sneered at Him by yelling,

"Well then,
save yourself
and come down from the cross!"
Mark 15:30 (NLT)

But because of their evilness and adultery, Jesus refused to give into their demands of a miraculous sign. The only sign Jesus stated He would give them was the sign of the prophet Jonah.

"'Only an evil, adulterous generation
would demand a miraculous sign,
but the only sign I will give them
is the sign of the prophet Jonah.'
Then Jesus left them and went away.
Matthew 16:4 (NLT)

And on the third day, just as the Scriptures said, He was raised from the dead.

"He was buried,
and He was raised from the dead
on the third day,
just as the Scriptures said."
1 Corinthians 15:4 (NLT)

Praise be to God! Because Jesus lives, we live also!

"Yet a little while
and the world will see Me no more,
but you will see Me.
Because I live,
you also will live."
John 14:19 (NLT)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Another Spear Pierces His Soul

As Jesus was dying on the Cross, the hateful words that spewed from the crowds were more agonizing to Him than the physical torture. There were so many people who wanted Jesus to die, and they could not be silenced. They yelled louder and louder the painful words, "Crucify Him!"

"'Crucify Him!'
they shouted.
Mark 15:30 (NIV)

The soldiers inflicted not only physical pain on Jesus; they also inflicted emotional pain as they mocked Him.

"Then they knelt in front of Him
and mocked Him."
Matthew 27:29 (NIV)

And those who passed by Jesus, the only perfect man on earth, as He hung in disgrace, anguish, and abandonment on a wooden scabrous cross, showed no compassion or pity for Him. Instead they hurled insults at Jesus, shaking their heads in disgust.

"Those who passed by
hurled insults at Him,
shaking their heads."
Matthew 27:39 (NIV)

Today, Jesus lives forever and will never again have to die. Nevertheless, He still suffers anguish whenever people mock, ridicule, and insult Him. Every time a person speaks His Name in anger, distorts His Word, perverts His moral laws, or hypocritically lives a pseudo-Christian life, another spear pierces His soul.

Friday, March 29, 2013

We Are Dead, But Alive!

Today, Christians all over the world celebrate good Friday — the day Jesus, out of magnificent love for us, carried all of our sins in His body to the cross. He did this so that we may be dead to sin and alive to do what is right.

"He personally carried our sins
in His body on the cross
so that we can be dead to sin
and live for what is right."
1 Peter 2:24 (NLT)

Since we are now dead to sin, it is not possible to be alive in Christ and continue to live in it.

"Of course not!
Since we have died to sin,
how can we continue to live in it?"
Romans 6:2 (NLT)

As children of God, we are to cease living our earthly lives for evil human desires. Instead, we are to live the rest of our lives doing God's will.

"As a result,
they do not live
the rest of their earthly lives
for evil human desires,
but rather for the will of God."
1 Peter 4:2 (NIV)

We have been set free from sin to become slaves of God, and this leads to holiness and eternal life.

"But now that you have
been set free from sin
and have become slaves of God,
the benefit you reap
leads to holiness,
and the result is eternal life."
Romans 6:22 (NIV)

Praise be to God for Christ's death! for we are now free and alive!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Words Of The Reckless

Yesterday afternoon, I went to my hairdresser intending to get my hair dyed, streaked, and trimmed. However, when the hairdresser asked me what I would like done, I suddenly changed my mind and told her to cut my hair instead of trimming it. However, during the dying process, I went back and forth on my decision, I think, at least a hundred times. Finally, I couldn't stand the turmoil any longer and told her to just forget about cutting my hair. Shockingly, she refused to compile. With a smile on her face and a scissors in her hand, she reassuringly told me that the cut was going to look great on me. As she started to cut, I cringed at a memory that still haunts me to this day.

When I was eighteen and in my first year of Bible College, my boyfriend at the time made a cruel comment about my hair. Out of anger and hurt, I irrationally went to the hair dresser to have my hair cut so short that it looked identical to my twin brother's. I instantly hated it! . . . and myself, for allowing a person's words to pierce my soul like that. Even after my boyfriend saw what I had done, there was never an apology or a compliment.

Yesterday, as I sat in the chair of that beauty salon, that horrible incident came back, to the extent that I was unable to relax and make a decision about my hair being cut.

Now that the ordeal is finally through, I can honestly say I love the end results! My hairdresser is wonderful!

It is sad that reckless words can pierce like a sword and haunt a person for many years. But it is also true that the tongue of the wise can bring so much healing.

The words of the reckless
pierce like swords,
but the tongue of the wise
brings healing."
Proverbs 12:18 (NIV)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spring Cleaning In An X-rated World

Yesterday, I purchased a new vacuum cleaner to start my spring cleaning. It is called the DC51 Animal and it is absolutely amazing! It even has an attachment to groom pets.

As Christians, we need to regularly clean the junk out of our lives by getting rid of everything that is offensive to God. And we too have help — something much better and more powerful than a Dyson vacuum cleaner. We have the Holy Spirit of God.

God tells us in Scripture that we must throw off our old sinful natures and our former ways of life, which are corrupted by lust and deception. Then we must let God's Holy Spirit renew our thoughts and attitudes. We must put on our new natures, which are created to be like God — truly righteous and holy.

"Throw off your old sinful nature
and your former way of life,
which is corrupted by lust and deception.
Instead, let the Spirit renew
your thoughts and attitudes.
Put on your new nature,
created to be like God —
truly righteous and holy."
Ephesians 4:22-24 (NLT)

Our daily prayer in this X-rated world should be for God to create in us a clean heart and to renew a right spirit within us.

"Create in me a clean heart,
O God,
and renew a right spirit within me."
Psalm 51:10 (ESV)

My new vacuum cleaner is of no use to me if I just let it sit in the closet. But if I take it out of the closet, plug it in, turn it on, and manoeuvre it, it will suck up all the dirt, dust bunnies, crumbs, and dead bugs in my house. It is the same with the Holy Spirit. He has been given to us by God to purify our hearts and lives. So let us be sure to give our attention to God by praying, listening, and reading His Word.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Now Look! I Am Alive!

Last night, my sons and I drove to a large city church to watch a fantastic Easter drama/music production called "Worth It All." The particular performance that we attended was the third of four. We arrived an hour early to get choice seats. It's a good thing we did: the building was completely packed in both the auditorium and the overflow rooms fifteen minutes before the performance started.

Since we arrived so early, I was able to select a photographically advantageous seating position (on the end of one of the centre pews). Here are some of my favourites pictures:

The people whom Jesus loves.

The Sadducees and Pharisees whom Jesus loves,
but also admonishes because of their hypocrisy.

Jesus mingling with the people.

The astonishment of the people
when Jesus performed a miracle.

Jesus offering forgiveness to an adulteress
if she turns away from sin and comes to Him.

Jesus feeding the crowd
with only five loaves of bread and two fish.

Jesus dining with the tax collectors.

Jesus entering triumphantly into Jerusalem,
as He gets off His donkey.

The last supper.

Jesus is alive!

Jesus once was dead, but today He is alive, and He will live for ever and ever. He holds the keys to death. Now we all have to choose whether to accept Him and live with Him for eternity, or reject Him and die without Him.

"I am the Living One;
I was dead, and now look,
I am alive for ever and ever!
And I hold the keys of death and Hades."
Revelations 1:18 (NIV)

Monday, March 25, 2013

Keep Yourselves In God's Love

My cat Osha loves to sit on this heater vent in the winter. He comes running as soon as he hears the familiar noise of the furnace turning on. He enjoys the comfort of the heat. My other cat, Hunter, however, couldn't be bothered. It requires too much effort for her to move, so she looses out.

God is like that heater vent. He, in His still small voice, calls us to draw near to Him. Some hear His voice and go to that special place to open their Bibles and talk to Him. In His presence, He gives them comfort, the warmth of His love, peace, and reassurance of His promises. Others hear His voice too, but they have become too busy or too tired to take the time for Him to quiet and revitalize them.

The Bible tells us to keep ourselves in God's love as we wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring us to eternal life. We are to do this by building ourselves up in God's holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit.

"But you, dear friends,
by building yourselves up
in your most holy faith
and praying in the Holy Spirit,
keep yourselves in God's love
as you wait for the mercy
of our Lord Jesus Christ
to bring you to eternal life."
Jude 1:20-21 (NIV)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

God Bent Down

Over this last year, my sons Tim and Matthew have had numerous medical tests to try to pin down the cause of their physical ailments: blood tests, ultrasounds, endoscopies, electrocardiograms, and on and on. Unfortunately, none of these tests gave any indication as to what was wrong. But finally, just last week, an allergist has found the culprit: soy.

Well, there goes all those high-protein energy bars that Tim and Matthew have been eating constantly, not to mention just about everything else in the food market! (I was shocked to learn how many foods contain soy.)

My sons are now very relieved to know that their symptoms weren't all in their heads: difficulty swallowing and breathing, puffy blue lips, rapid heartbeat, breathlessness, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, headaches, stomach craps, diarrhoea, and so on.

We pray because we know God will answer, and He did! God bent down and listened to our prayers.

"I am praying to You
because I know You will answer,
O God.
Bend down
and listen as I pray."
Psalm 17:6 (NLT)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Direct My Footsteps Through Your Word

On Thursday this week, my sons Tim and Matthew took me on a tour of the University of Alberta. Before we left, I told them I didn't want to take any elevators or escalators: I have been diligently doing an hour of aerobic exercises every day for about a year now, and I felt confident and strong.

By the end of the morning, we had climbed about 500 steps. Tim's office was on the sixth floor of one building, Chris' office was in an eight floor building, and Matthew's classes were all over the place. Also, most of the LRT stations were several stories underground.

I was able to keep up with my sons. Near the end of the tour, I felt great with a slightly raised ego. Then I suddenly twisted my ankle on what was supposedly a flat surface of floor but what was really a ridge that separated two sections of flooring with one side slightly raised over the other. Part of my left foot landed on the upper side while the rest landed on the lower side, thus twisting my left ankle and lowering my slightly raised ego.

Oh well, a lesson well-learned, because the Christian walk can be like that as well. We can sometimes become too confident in ourselves that we forget how vitally important it is to stay in God's Word. However, if we allow God to daily direct our footsteps through His Word, no sin can rule over us or cause us to stumble and fall.

"Direct my footsteps
according to your Word;
let no sin rule over me."
Psalm 119:133 (NIV)

Friday, March 22, 2013

Go And Do Likewise

The snow fell heavily all day the day before yesterday. With strong winds, the roads were slippery and the visibility poor. So, early yesterday morning, on the way to the city for my son's appointment, we decided to park the vehicle at the park-and-ride and take the LRT (Light Rail Transit).

This was the first time I have ever been on the LRT. It was crowded (to me, anyway — my sons tell me it wasn't) with people on the way to work. My two sons and I had to stand on the turnstile while holding onto the vertical metal bars. As I stood there, towering over most of the people on board, I noticed how extensive my view of the interior was: almost every person on board, sitting or standing, was looking down at his/her cell phone, completely oblivious to his/her surroundings.

As we went from station to station, I couldn't help but sadly reflect on recent news about someone getting beaten to death on this train with not a single person trying to stop it. When I first heard the story, I couldn't understand people's complacency. What ended up happening was far worse than the Good Samaritan story Jesus told in the Bible. At least at the end of the Good Samaritan story one person finally did stop to help save a stranger's life.

I also wondered sadly, "If Jesus came right at this moment, how many of these people would remain and how many would disappear?" If people in our world have come to care so little about others, then truly where are their hearts?

"Which of these three do you think
was a neighbour
to the man who fell
into the hands of robbers?
The expert in the law replied,
'The one who had mercy on him.'
Jesus told him,
'Go and do likewise.'"
Luke 10:36-37 (NIV)

The Bible says that it is the will of God for us to be a neighbour to all — to show kindness and helpfulness to everyone we meet.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Physicians Are Not gods, Just Gifts

Very early this morning, I am taking my son Tim (with a snow storm warning in effect) to see a specialist in Edmonton.

In the Bible, doctors and medical treatments are looked favourably upon. Luke, one of the writers in the New Testament, was a referred to as the "beloved physician." He was also a disciple of the Apostle Paul, and later accompanied Paul on his missionary journeys to help spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

"Luke, the beloved physician,
sends you his greetings,
and also Demas."
Colossians 4:14 (NASB)

Even though many doctors can be used by God to help us, they are not to be viewed as gods, only gifts. Our primary trust is in God, so it is always important to pray for wisdom for ourselves in making decisions concerning our health, as well as wisdom for the doctors who are diagnosing and treating us. God promises us in Scripture that if we ask Him, He will generously give wisdom to any person who needs it.

"But if any of you lacks wisdom,
let him ask of God,
who gives to all generously
and without reproach,
and it will be given to him."
James 1:5 (NASB)

Is is God who is our healer, but He uses various methods and means to heal. However, prayer is vital throughout the whole healing process. Our trust is in Him!

"For I,
the Lord,
am your healer."
Exodus 15:26b (NASB)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Excited . . . And Fearful

Have you ever been excited and fearful all at the same time because God might be asking you to do something new? I am feeling this way now. I am excited because the something new means I will have more opportunities to love people and reach the hurting and the lost souls of this world for Jesus. I am fearful because I don't know the team I might be working with. I have so many questions: Will they be more interested in the unsaved than in money and material gain? Will the heart matter to them more than outward appearances? Will pleasing God be their goal, or will pleasing people? Will the Word of God govern their lives, or will man? Will God be their focus, or will other gods?

As I write this post with butterflies in my stomach, I have to trust God. He knows me and the answers to my questions. He knew the answers before I even had the questions! The Word of God says that He has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power, love, and discipline. So, I will go ahead, trust God, continue to love Him and all others, and work hard for Him in the harvest field.

"For God has not given us
a spirit of timidity,
but of power
and love
and discipline."
2 Timothy 1:7 (NAS)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Throw Off And Put On

The only way to be free from guilt is to stop hiding our sins and confess them to God. When we confess our sins, God will forgive us, and our guilt will be gone.

"Finally, I confessed all my sins to you
and stopped trying to hide my guilt.
I said to myself,
'I will confess my rebellion to the Lord.'
And you forgave me!
All my guilt is gone."
Psalm 32:5 (NLT)

When we confess our sins, not only does God forgive us, but He cleanses us from all wickedness.

"But if we confess our sins to Him,
He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
and to cleanse us from all wickedness."
1 John 1:9 (NLT)

If we hide our sins or attempt to justify them, our guilt remains. But if we confess our sins, we will acquire the peace we desire within. It is through confession, faith, and acceptance that we obtain God's free gift of salvation. But to mature in Christ as we continue to live, we need to promptly confess our sins as the Holy Spirit convicts. Otherwise, unconfessed sins will stump our growth, leaving us as mere infants.

We need to allow the Spirit of God to renew our thoughts and attitudes daily so that we can live before our Father every day truly righteous and holy.

"Throw off your old sinful nature
and your former way of life,
which is corrupted by lust and deception.
Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.
Put on your new nature,
created to be like God —
truly righteous and holy."
Ephesians 4:22-24 (NLT)

A mature Christian is one who is sensitive to the Holy Spirit: one who willingly admits when he/she is wrong, seeks forgiveness, and runs from future temptations to sin by relying on the Spirit of God for the renewal of his/her mind.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Is It Possible To Slip Through Heaven's Gate?

Yesterday, a retired pastor in the congregation gave the Sunday morning message. In his message, the speaker said something so contrary to God's Word that my three sons and I sat there in shock at the words that were coming forth from his mouth. He stated that there are two types of Christians: carnal and spiritual. The speaker's definition of a carnal Christian is a worldly Christian who has accepted the free gift of salvation through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, but continues to live in sin, serving self rather than God. The spiritual Christian is a Christ-like Christian who has accepted Jesus Christ into his/her heart as Lord and Saviour, and shows his/her love for God through obedience and service to Him. The carnal Christian does not produce good works, but the spiritual Christian does. (Now comes the heresy.) The speaker then boldly stated that both types of Christians will enter heaven. The only drawback is that the carnal Christian will not get any rewards, but the spiritual Christian will. My first reaction in thoughts were: "We don't serve God to get rewards; we serve God because we love Him! And if someone doesn't serve God, then who and what does he/she love?!"

The Bible states clearly that you cannot serve two masters. You either hate the one or love the other.

"No one can serve two masters.
Either you will hate the one
and love the other,
or you will be devoted to the one
and despise the other.
You cannot serve both God and money."
Luke 16:13 (NIV)

The Bible also says that if you are a friend of the world, then you are an enemy of God. And if you say you are a Christian but remain a friend of the world, then you are worse than an enemy: you are a traitor!

"You adulterous people,
don't you know that friendship
with the world means
enmity against God?
Therefore, anyone who chooses
to be a friend of the world
becomes an enemy of God."
James 4:4 (NIV)

If people believe they can slip through heaven's gate simply by saying the salvation prayer, gaining a free pass without a love and a desire to serve God, they are only deceiving themselves with grave consequences.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Just Like Jesus

I love to bake! and my son Chris has been wanting to learn for some time. I thought at first he wasn't really serious, or that his desire to bake was just a passing whim, but he surprised me by being persistent in asking me to teach him. So a few nights ago, I stood back (resisting the temptation to help) and instructed Chris in how to make cinnamon buns.

Of course I had to take pictures of the whole experience, although it was hard to hold the camera steady. (Watching my son master the art of baking cinnamon buns was quite comical.) Nevertheless, I was impressed with the end results, as well as Chris' dedication — he had to get up at 11:00PM that night to put the buns into the oven to bake.

Now Chris is excited about sharing his cinnamon buns with his co-workers, just as Jesus was, one morning on the shores of Galilee, when He baked bread for His friends — six of His disciples who were weary and hungry. Jesus wanted to surprise them by feeding them breakfast.

"When they landed,
they saw a fire of burning coals there
with fish on it, and some bread.

Jesus said to them,
'Come and have breakfast.'

Jesus came,
took the bread
and gave it to them."

John 21:9,12a,13 (NIV)

The best part of baking is sharing the baking with others, and seeing them enjoy it!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Bitter For Sweet

What is right and what is wrong, God states in His Word. As followers of Christ, we are never to justify a wrong. To say a sin isn't wrong, or to say a wrongful act was part of God's greater plan (which implies that the sin was actually His will), may ease the guilt, but is offensive to God. Does this mean God cannot work past the sin through repentance or the godly prayers of others to bring about good? Of course it doesn't! But it does not excuse or justify the sin.

"Woe to those
who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet..."

"...and sweet for bitter."

Isaiah 5:20 (NIV)

At the same time, as followers of Christ, we are never to stop loving a person who has done wrong. Rather, we must show our love to them even more. To be rude, disrespectful, and unloving towards a person who has sinned or is living in sin is just as repulsive to God.

"Now that you have purified yourselves
by obeying the truth
so that you have sincere love
for each other,
love one another deeply,
from the heart."
1 Peter 1:22 (NIV)

Both of these sins, justifying a wrong and being unkind toward a wrong-doer, stem from a self-righteous attitude in the heart. People do these things to make themselves look and feel better, but they both are a mockery of God's truth, holiness, and love.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Spiritual Balderdash

Christians who use spiritual balderdash to justify their own sins — sins that God states clearly in His Word are wrong — and yet who are quick to judge others by the same spiritual malarkey (often making wrong assumptions), are serving not the Lord, but their own appetites. Such people cause divisions and put obstacles in others' way to following God's voice. They use their spiritual talk to deceive the minds of the naive. They often claim to have special gifts from God, and they frequently state, "God revealed this to me," or, "God told me that." These people do these things for their own purposes: to gain control and acquire followers.

"I urge you, brothers,
to watch out for those
who cause divisions
and put obstacles in your way

that are contrary
to the teaching you have learned.
Keep away from them.
For such people are not serving our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites.
By smooth talk
and flattery
they deceive the minds of naive people."
Romans 16:17-18 (NLT)

Christ is the only person we follow. His Word and His Voice are our only sources of spiritual guidance. God will many times use people to guide others spiritually, but the words they speak must be in accordance to His Word.  Keep away from those who put on a false sense of sincerity, spirituality and humility to satisfy their own private interests and gain supporters.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Arguments Can Ruin Those Who Hear Them

I hate arguments! I get stressed out if people argue. So I usually try to be the peacemaker and stop an argument from escalating any further. In the meantime, my heart is pounding as memories of my troubled childhood come racing to the forefront of my mind, when many times I saw arguments lead to abuse, both emotionally and physically.

I don't understand why people, even Christians, argue over words and differences of opinion. Such arguments are useless. They only hurt others. Do these people get some sort of high from being argumentative? They are like tigers ready to pounce on their next victim. People can have a difference of opinion without being forceful, controlling, and debasing.

The Bible commands us to stop fighting. Why? Because useless arguments lead to destruction, not only to those directly involved, but also to those who hear them.

"Remind everyone about these things,
and command them in God's presence
to stop fighting over words.
Such arguments are useless,
and they can ruin
those who hear them."
2 Timothy 2:14 (NLT)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Let Us Think Of Ways

A few days ago at the mall, I started talking to someone who pleasantly surprised me by talking back instead of looking at me as if I was the victim of some sort of mental illness that causes people to be friendly.

It wasn't long into our conversation that I discovered the reason for her friendliness. No, she doesn't have a mental illness. It's because she isn't from around here! She is from Nova Scotia. She and her husband had to move to Edmonton three years ago because her husband is in the military.

The lady began to pour out her heart to me and tell me of her struggles in living here because of the unfriendliness of the people. She said that she cried steadily for the first two months. As we continued to talk, we excitedly realized that we have a lot in common: we are approximately the same age, we both moved here three years ago, and our husbands are gone most of the time — her husband was in Afghanistan for seven months the first year she lived here.

I wish I could have invited her to church, but, unfortunately, I've found that the people in most of the churches here are no different. A newcomer will go completely ignored even after eight months of attendance, and if you mistakenly make known to leaders of the church your eager desire to become involved in any kind of ministry in the church, their reaction is instantaneously negative. There is a silent rule in many of the churches that the leaders must be the ones to ask for help, and any reverse offers are treated as disrespectful or with skepticism.

The spirit of self has permeated into so many of our city churches that they have become unwelcoming and unaccepting of other people's gifts. By doing so, they discourage newcomers from doing acts of love and good works for God in the Church. This is very disturbing because Christ's return is drawing near and we desperately need all the workers in the harvest field.

"Let us think of ways
to motivate one another
to acts of love
 and good works.
and let us not neglect
 our meeting together,
as some people do,
but encourage one another,
especially now that the day
of His return is drawing near."
Hebrews 10:24-25 (NLT)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

God's Love Never Increases Or Decreases

God loved us while we were yet sinners, dead in our trespasses of sins. He doesn't love us more starting from the moment we accept His Son, Jesus Christ, into our hearts as Lord and Saviour — He greatly rejoices, but He doesn't love us more. And He doesn't love us more when we do good works for Him — He is pleased and His heart is blessed, but He doesn't love us more.

"But God demonstrates
His own love toward us,
in that while we were yet sinners,
Christ died for us."
Romans 5:8 (NASB)

God's love for believers and non-believers is the same. Jesus Christ died for all people, even the worst of sinners. There is no period in time when God's love for a person increases or decreases.

God's love does not rise or drop like the temperature measured by a digital thermometer. His love is perfect, steady, and unconditional. That is why God is always reaching out with Jesus in His outstretched arms, pleading for those who are unsaved to accept His free gift. God doesn't want to look with a broken heart upon those whom He loves but is not able to deem holy and righteous before Him.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Walk In Good Works

Although we are saved by God's grace, we are created in Him to do good works. Therefore, we are to walk in good works.

"For we are His workmanship,
created in Christ Jesus
for good works,
which God prepared beforehand
so that we would walk in them."
Ephesians 2:10 (NAS)

One example of a Christian I know who is a radiant expression of God's love by her good works is a lady who comes to the weekly women's Bible study at my home. One of the many thoughtful things she does is bring food to share. And the items she brings aren't last minute, thrown together, left-overs-at-her-home or grab-whatevers-at-the-store; they are carefully and artistically arrayed trays of goodies or bowls of fruit. I have never seen anything like it! I feel God's special love as I imagine her tenderly placing each nut, fruit, candy, or cookie in a beautiful arrangement while thinking of all of us. Her ardent love for God is revealed in her honouring us with the amount of time she spends planning and preparing her tray or bowl.

It is the extra special things we do for others that reveal the extent of our love for God. This lady's love for people overflows and goes way beyond the expected! (She also buys cards, flowers, and small gifts for those grieving, distressed, or discouraged in the group.)

"And may the Lord
make your love for one another
and for all people grow
and overflow,
just as our love for you overflows."
1 Thessalonians 3:12 (NLT)

May we all follow this lady's example of thoughtfulness, and at the same time, may we also open our eyes to see the good works of others and appreciate them! How much we think of and appreciate God and how much we think of and appreciate others are the same.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Walk In Fellowship

Our fellowship with God is revealed in how we fellowship with others.

"But if we walk in the light,
as He is in the light,
 we have fellowship
with one other."
1 John 1:7a (NIV)

God truly lives in us if we truly love each other.

No one has ever seen God.
But if we love each other,
God lives in us,
and His love in brought
 to full expression in us."
1 John 4:12 (NLT)

The sincerity of our spirituality reveals itself in how we treat others. Are we friendly, sensitive to the feelings of others, supportive, thoughtful, kind-hearted, humble, and helpful? Or are we jealous, rude, controlling, self-righteous, demeaning, ungracious, and hurtful?

The way we respond to others determines our true relationship with God, and the church reveals its Christ-likeness in their friendliness to others.

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Walk In The Spirit

If we walk in the Spirit, daily submitting heart, soul, strength and mind to God, then He will have control over our emotions, words, actions, and thoughts. In other words, if our foremost desire is to please God, then there would be no pleasure for us to gain by gratifying the temptations of the flesh.

"But I say,
walk by the Spirit,
and you will not gratify
the desires of the flesh."
Galatians 5:16 (NIV)

It is the Spirit of God who gives us life. Let us therefore walk in the Spirit.

"Since we live by the Spirit,
let us keep in step with the Spirit.
Galatians 5:25 (NIV)

Friday, March 08, 2013

Walk In Light

Jesus Christ is the Great Light! In a world of darkness, where Satan has blinded the eyes of so many  people from knowing the truth of God's Word, God sends His Son. To those living in a land of the shadow of death there dawns a bright light.

"The people walking in darkness
have seen a great light:
on those living in the land
of the shadow of death
a light has dawned."
Isaiah 9:2 (NIV)

Where there is light, there is life. Where there is darkness, there is death. Jesus gives us light and life. Once we were in the darkness, but now we are in the light. Once we were dying, but now we are living.

"For you were once darkness,
but now you are light in the Lord.
Live as children of light."
Ephesians 5:8 (NIV)

Live as children of light, always immersed in His presence and His Word. Don't be tempted to turn around and go back into the world, because there is nothing for you there but darkness and death. Stay in the light. Walk in the light!

Thursday, March 07, 2013

Walk In Truth

As God's people, we need to walk in the truth. What is the truth? God's Word. Therefore, to walk in the truth, we need to know God's Word. And to know God's Word, we need to study it. We need to read it, examine it, and reflect on it so that we understand clearly and with certainty all that God's says.

"I have no greater joy than this,
to hear of my children
walking in the truth."
3 John 1:4 (NASB)

Today, God's Word is perilously being neglected in many of our churches. As a result, these churches are not walking in the truth, but rather in deception. For example, the majority of sermons today are not based on the Scriptures, but rather they are Scripture based on sermon. The pastor usually picks a topic he wants to talk about, or has to talk about because it is part of a series or theme that was chosen, and then throws in one or two verses for added effect. Instead of God being in control, man is. Instead of the Bible being the core, theme is. Instead of God speaking, man is. I wonder, sometimes, the dramatic difference it would make in our churches if pastors just read the Scriptures and left man out of it.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Walk The Love

Our love for God is revealed in our obedience to His commands.

"And this is love:
that we walk in obedience
to His commands.
As you have heard 
from the beginning,
His command is that
you walk in love."
John 2:6 (NIV)

In Christ, love is not a noun flippantly used. Love is a verb which impels us to act! Therefore, let us walk the love.

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Walk The Talk

The Bible says that God's people must walk in a manner worthy of the Lord. We are to please God in all respects. We are to bear fruit in every good work and increase in the knowledge of God.

"So that you will walk in a manner
worthy of the Lord,
to please Him
in all respects,
bearing fruit in every good work
and increasing in the knowledge of God."
Colossians 1:10 (NASB)

In other words, as God's people, we are to say and do all things with a heart to please God. We are to labour hard in doing good works and study the Scriptures diligently. We are not to live contrary to God's Word and His character, be lazy, or ignore God's Word. If we don't walk the talk, then we are nothing more than hypocrites.

Monday, March 04, 2013

Lawyers In The Bible

Is it right for a Christian to be a lawyer? Yes. In the Bible, there are several men of God who acted as lawyers on behalf of other people before the most perfect and just judge of all — God Himself.

In Exodus 32:9-14, Moses intervened for his people when God planned to destroy them with the fire of His wrath. The Israelites were so obstinate that God was "fed up." However, Moses went to their defence, boldly questioned God, and reminded Him of His promises. At the end of the session, God changed His mind.

"So the Lord changed His mind
about the harm which He said
He would do to His people.
Exodus 32:24 (NASB)

In Genesis 18:22-33, Abraham interceded for the people who lived in the evil cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, which God had announced He would destroy. Abraham daringly, but respectfully, questioned God and bargained with Him five times. In the end, God agreed to spare the cities if even ten righteous people could be found. Sadly, there was only one. However, because of Abraham's appeal, this one person was saved, plus two other family members.

50, 40, 30, 20, 10
but only

"Thus it came about,
when God destroyed the cities of the valley,
that God remembered Abraham,
and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow,
when He overthrew the cities 
in which Lot lived."
Genesis 19:29 (NASB)

In Nehemiah 1:5-11, the prophet Nehemiah beseeched God on behalf of the scattered Israelites to allow them to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, and to bring them together once again. Nehemiah declared to God the Israelites' confession and repentance of their sins, and he reminded God of His promise to regather them if they return to Him. God listened to Nehemiah and kept His promise.

In Daniel 9:4-6, 15-19, the people in Jerusalem were so wicked Daniel pleaded with God to stop His judgement on them. Daniel reminded God of His promises and sought forgiveness on their behalf.

Moses, Abraham, Nehemiah, and Daniel were all God-fearing and righteous men who acted as lawyers on behalf of rebellious and sinful people. Was God offended? Not at all! The hearts of these men were right before Him. They were obedient, honest, respectful, and selfless servants of God.

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Like A Muddied Spring

As I look out of my bedroom window this morning in March, I dishearteningly see freshly fallen snow. Lots of it. I long for spring. Winters here are so long. I don't think I will ever get used to it.

I am glad that Brian and I are flying out of here in a little over a month to spend a week in Sedona, Arizona, exploring the magnificent beauty of the Grand Canyon. Both Brian and I have never seen it and we are eagerly looking forward to scenery besides filthy snow, huge mud lakes, and crater-like potholes.

For the time being, everything here is white and hidden. But since the temperatures are so mild, it won't stay that way long. The snow is wet and mushy, not soft and light. So, as soon as it stops snowing, everything will turn back into black, dirty mud. Something that is now lovely and pure will become ugly and contaminated. And like a muddied spring or polluted well is a man or woman, once made righteous by the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ, who has given way to the wicked.

"Like a muddied spring
or a polluted well
is a righteous man
who gives way
to the wicked."
Proverbs 25:26 (NIV)

How saddened God's heart must be when He looks upon those He once made pure but who are now spotted, even blacked, by their wickedness and unrepentant sin.

Saturday, March 02, 2013

God Takes Hold Of Your Hand When It Is Left Empty And Rejected

Imagine you are walking side-by-side with the person you love. You reach out to gently take hold of his/her hand. The sweet comforting feeling that his/her hand in yours, brings instant warmth and joy to your soul. But then, suddenly, after only a few seconds of ecstasy, pain sears through your heart like a sickness never before experienced as the person you love abruptly and non-expectantly lets go of your hand. There is no explanation. Only silence. At that short but unforgettable moment, thoughts of doubts, fears, and insecurities flood your mind and your soul, leaving you feeling such torment and anguish. What do you do? What do you say? You weren't prepared for this. You expected always, not termination, and all you want to do is run — run as far and fast as you can, hoping to outrun the moment, but know that you can't.

At that moment, when life seems so unbearable and gives an unexpected turn, the Lord your God reaches out to take hold of your hand, whispering in your ear, "Do not fear; I will help you."

"For I am the Lord, your God,
who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you,
'Do not fear;
I will help you.'"
Isaiah 41:13 (NIV)

Friday, March 01, 2013

The Despair Of Loneliness And The Anguish Of Regretfulness

It is sorrowful to see so many people in our world entangled in the world's type of love---a love created by Satan and motivated by lust. It is ugly, selfish, degrading, perverted, enslaving, and momentary.

"For all that is in the world,
the lust of the flesh
and the lust of the eyes
and the boastful pride of life,
is not from the Father,
but is from the world."
1 John 2:16 (NASB)

These imprisoned people sadly loose out on never experiencing true love---a love created by God and motivated by His Holy Spirit. His love is beautiful, unselfish, fulfilling, edifying, joyous, and precious.

"Love is patient,
love is kind
and is not jealous;
love does not brag
and is not provoked,
does not take into account a wrong suffered,
does not rejoice in unrighteousness,
but rejoices with the truth;
bears all things,
believes all things,
hopes all things,
endures all things."
1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NASB)

The devil's love that has permeated in our ungodly world has grievously also captured many people in our churches today. As a result, these people live in bondage, unable to live in freedom to serve God. Some have at one time even been blessed by God with the love of another, but discarded it for lust, only to live later in the despair of loneliness and the anguish of regretfulness.