Monday, October 17, 2011

Strong At Any Age

My mother-in-law, Elsie, hasn't ridden a bike for over 20 years; that is, until yesterday afternoon when I encouraged both my in-laws to go for a bike ride with me. I was surprised and very pleased when they  said yes. However, as I helped Elsie struggle with great difficulty to get on her bike, I became gravely concerned that she was going to severely injure herself, and that I would be blamed for killing my mother in-law. I mean, with all the modern negative connotations to the word "mother-in-law", who would ever believe me that it wasn't intentional?

Despite my misgivings, I admired her determination, so I didn't stop her. Instead I told her she was doing fine, even though she rode her bike up the street screeching with fear. I became even more alarmed when she asked me where the brakes were. As Elsie yelled out, "I can't stop!", my father-in-law, Ken, and I quickly got on our bikes and followed. I then rode ahead of her to lead and watch for traffic crossing. We all rode our bikes for quite a ways with me in front, Elsie in the middle, and Ken at the rear. I started to feel at ease with the outing when all of a sudden I heard a scream. I looked back and saw Elsie laying on a grassy hill with the bike sandwiched between her legs. She had panicked at seeing two young boys walking across her path that she lost control of the bike. The wide-eyed young boys had concerned looks on their faces, and were probably wondering if they should call 911. However, when Elsie started to laugh, we all knew she was OK and we were greatly relieved.

I was so impressed with Elsie's spunk and ability to laugh at herself. After all she is 74 years old. I hope she will forgive me for telling her age. When I helped her back on the bike, we rode off again in the same formation. I am glad to say we finished the bike ride without any more mishaps.

Here is a picture of my father-in-law, Ken:

And a picture of my mother-in-law, Elsie:

It was fun! It really was! I also now have even greater admiration for my in-laws. Despite their age, they are still strong, with an amazing attitude towards life. Even when Elsie lacked confidence, she faced her fear and kept on going. When she fell, she got right back on the bike and finished the course. At the end, she was rewarded with confidence, exhilaration, and, of course, a fun memory!

In living the Christian life, I hope you will have the same attitude as Elsie. Be strong. Don't give up. Your work will be richly rewarded one day when you are in paradise with the Lord Jesus Christ.

"But as for you, be strong and do not give up,
for your work will be rewarded."
2 Chronicles 15:7

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