Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Rubber Tires Or Souls?

Are you catching valuable souls for Jesus Christ, or are you catching things of no value in God's sight?

A popular catchphrase that is being used by many famous celebrities and becoming adopted by people all over the world is: "I'm not religious — I'm spiritual." In other words, "My faith in God is a personality trait that is all about me."

To say, "I'm a Christian," means you are a follower of Christ, and that's all about Him, not about you. If you are a follower of Christ, you study His Word daily so that your faith doesn't become a fuzzy set of values and beliefs. You have a full desire to please God in everything you say and do, so that God will be glorified in your life because He is the only One who is deserving of man's worship. You would never use your gifts and talents to glorify yourself and become an idol to others. Your foremost desire in life is that, when you die, God's Name will be remembered, not yours.

It is also important for a follower of Christ to go to a Bible-believing church that is outward in its faith and not inward; in other words, a church with a heart for reaching out to the lost souls in the community and the world around.

In the Bible, Jesus called out to a group of fishermen and told them to come to Him — Jesus wanted the men to draw near to His presence and be close to His heart. Then Jesus told them to follow Him — it was His heart's desire that they become like Him and obey His Word. Thirdly, Jesus told the men that He would teach them how to bring other people into a saving knowledge of Him.

"Jesus called out to them,
follow me,
and I will show you how to fish for people!'"
Matthew 4:19 (NLT)

Looking at this verse, we see that a Christ-filled walk is divided into three steps:
  1. Come.
  2. Obey.
  3. Evangelize.
Celebrities and other people who say, "I'm spiritual and not religious," don't even make it past step one. They may be cool in the world's eyes, but they aren't cool in God's eyes.

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