Monday, April 02, 2012

It Wasn't The Red Carpet, But Jesus' Heart Was Touched

Yesterday we celebrated Palm Sunday — the day Jesus, our King and Saviour, rode a young donkey into His beloved city of Jerusalem. He could have chosen to ride a golden chariot pulled by powerful and magnificent white stallions, but instead He chose to ride a lowly donkey. In those days a donkey was used primarily for work and was usually associated with the lower class of people who worked hard but made little money.

When Jesus sat upon the donkey and rode into Jerusalem, the people in the crowd took off what was probably the most expensive item they had with them, their outer garments, and spread them on the road to make a special pathway for their King. Others who had nothing to give but their hearts cut leafy branches and laid them on the road as well.

"Many in the crowd spread their garments on the road ahead of Him,
and others spread leafy branches they had cut in the fields."
Mark 11:8 (NLT)

Jesus didn't get to ride His donkey over a bright red, plush carpet like movie stars and famous musicians do today, but I know His heart was touched by the people's symbolic act of love and worship toward Him as they made their own carpet of garments and leaves — a carpet far superior to the red one seen on television today.

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