Sunday, October 14, 2012

He Sends His Winds And The Ice Thaws

Portage Glacier is on the Kenai Peninsula just six kilometres west of Whittier. A hundred years ago, Portage Glacier filled the entire Portage valley of twenty-three kilometres. However, over the years, the Glacier has greatly receded because of warmer temperatures. Now Portage Glacier is divided into five separate glaciers.

Portage Glacier

Then, at His command,
it all melts.
He sends His winds,
and the ice thaws."
Psalm 147:18 (NLT)

Portage Glacier carved out a lake called (you guessed it) Portage Lake, and the glacier's face extends 30 metres deep into this lake. You won't see any fish in this lake though, as none would survive the high concentrations of silt from the Glacier. You also won't see anyone swimming in it, even for a "polar bear plunge" on New Year's Eve. The water is freezing! However, you will see icebergs, tinted a pretty hue of blue, floating in the lake, like the ones below.

This small one near shore actually glowed.

Many people believe that global warming is caused by man because of pollution and environmental destruction. However, the Bible says that God controls the weather. Moreover, He promised after the great flood in Noah's day that as long as the earth remains, there will be seasons, there will be day and night, and life on earth will continue to exist.

"As long as the earth remains,
there will be planting and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night."
Genesis 8:22 (NLT)

Yes, there will come a time when the earth will come to an end, but it will be when and how God commands it to.

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