Monday, October 15, 2012

Take Delight In The Lord

For many months prior to our trip to Alaska, I prayed for good weather — specifically that it would not be cold or rainy. I also prayed that on the last day the weather would change and snow would fall, because I wanted to experience Alaska's first snowfall. What can I say? The little girl in me still remains.

To be honest, I wasn't worried about the weather in Alaska for the week we would be there. I knew that God heard my prayers and would answer them, except I wasn't too sure about the snow part. Still, I'm not afraid to ask God for anything.

My husband, Brian, who drives truck long distance, hauling massive loads, is always rightly concerned about the weather. He checked Anchorage's weather daily for weeks prior to our departure and kept me informed. Apparently, Anchorage was having abnormally enormous amounts of rain, forcing many main routes to close because of flooding. There were also severe wind storms up to 180 kilometers per hour, all causing destruction in the area. However, I still wasn't worried, and I would tell my husband that. I had peace knowing that God was in control and that He was going before us. And He certainly did!

The whole time we were in Alaska, none of us got wet with rain showers, experienced any wind storms, or felt cold, except for the last day when the temperature dropped, but that was only because God was preparing to answer the last part of my prayer request. That's right. It snowed!

When we got up at 4:30 in the morning to go to the Anchorage airport, we walked across freshly fallen snow to get to our rental car. It was such a lovely, captivating sight to end our stay in beautiful Alaska! Isn't God good?

Here are some pictures of the outside of the Bed and Breakfast at which we stayed.

When I told the owner of the Bed and Breakfast on Friday, the day before we left, that I had prayed to God that it would snow on our last day, she looked at me and said, "What else have you prayed for that I need to be aware of?" I smiled. Since this was also the first time my husband was made aware of my prayer request for snow, he just shook his head in disbelief. You would think he would know me by now.

I sure wish I was there to see the look on the owner's face that morning when she got up. I was glad though to find out later that all the snow had melted by the end of the day, and she would be happy.

Here is a picture of snow falling on the wing of our airplane just before it taxied off the runway. It stopped snowing soon after.

"Take delight in the Lord
and He will give you your heart's desires."
Psalm 37:4 (NLT)

The Bible tells us that if we take delight in the Lord, He will give us the desires of our hearts. So, take time each day to delight in God's presence by reading His Word and talking with Him, all with the greatest of pleasure and joy! Then watch God give you the desires you have longed for! Don't let your time with God be out of duty, rushed, or mechanical. Take delight!

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