Friday, March 22, 2013

Go And Do Likewise

The snow fell heavily all day the day before yesterday. With strong winds, the roads were slippery and the visibility poor. So, early yesterday morning, on the way to the city for my son's appointment, we decided to park the vehicle at the park-and-ride and take the LRT (Light Rail Transit).

This was the first time I have ever been on the LRT. It was crowded (to me, anyway — my sons tell me it wasn't) with people on the way to work. My two sons and I had to stand on the turnstile while holding onto the vertical metal bars. As I stood there, towering over most of the people on board, I noticed how extensive my view of the interior was: almost every person on board, sitting or standing, was looking down at his/her cell phone, completely oblivious to his/her surroundings.

As we went from station to station, I couldn't help but sadly reflect on recent news about someone getting beaten to death on this train with not a single person trying to stop it. When I first heard the story, I couldn't understand people's complacency. What ended up happening was far worse than the Good Samaritan story Jesus told in the Bible. At least at the end of the Good Samaritan story one person finally did stop to help save a stranger's life.

I also wondered sadly, "If Jesus came right at this moment, how many of these people would remain and how many would disappear?" If people in our world have come to care so little about others, then truly where are their hearts?

"Which of these three do you think
was a neighbour
to the man who fell
into the hands of robbers?
The expert in the law replied,
'The one who had mercy on him.'
Jesus told him,
'Go and do likewise.'"
Luke 10:36-37 (NIV)

The Bible says that it is the will of God for us to be a neighbour to all — to show kindness and helpfulness to everyone we meet.

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