Christians who use spiritual balderdash to justify their own sins — sins that God states clearly in His Word are wrong — and yet who are quick to judge others by the same spiritual malarkey (often making wrong assumptions), are serving not the Lord, but their own appetites. Such people cause divisions and put obstacles in others' way to following God's voice. They use their spiritual talk to deceive the minds of the naive. They often claim to have special gifts from God, and they frequently state, "God revealed this to me," or, "God told me that." These people do these things for their own purposes: to gain control and acquire followers.
"I urge you, brothers,
to watch out for those
who cause divisions
and put obstacles in your way

that are contrary
to the teaching you have learned.
Keep away from them.
For such people are not serving our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites.
By smooth talk
and flattery
they deceive the minds of naive people."
Romans 16:17-18 (NLT)
Christ is the only person we follow. His Word and His Voice are our only sources of spiritual guidance. God will many times use people to guide others spiritually, but the words they speak must be in accordance to His Word. Keep away from those who put on a false sense of sincerity, spirituality and humility to satisfy their own private interests and gain supporters.
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