Thursday, May 03, 2012

Do You Care How Many People Look At Your Facebook Page Today?

Narcissism is becoming more and more an increasing problem in our the world. People are drawing further away from the truth of God's Word, and focusing more and more on themselves, caring less and less about the feelings of others.

A narcissist is someone who views everyone else as nothing more than a servant. Life completely revolves around such a person. When others fail to satisfy or meet his/her needs, a narcissist usually detaches him/herself from them, or becomes cruel and abusive towards them. A narcissist feels no remorse for his/her negative actions. In a narcissist's mind, his/her sins are justified and others are to blame. A narcissist also cannot take criticism from others because he/she views him/herself as a perfect and an exceptional being, while everyone else has only flaws and imperfections. Many narcissists never marry, because no one is good enough. Or if they do marry, they end up deeply hurting or destroying the love of their partner, wounding them for life.

Many past and present leaders in countries all around the world are narcissists. Yet we continue to idolize them, spend millions of dollars to promote them to higher positions, and then elect them to lead our countries. What is going on? If Jesus were to run for the leadership of a country today, he would probably get less than 1% of the people's votes. Even many alleged Christians would find Him too conservative in His views. Let's face it: Jesus wouldn't be very popular because He would be solidly against abortion, gay marriage (did I just say that? oops), pre-marital sex, and majority of our divorces. And yet who do we find to blame for the mess our world is in?

Social media has become nothing more than a breeding ground for narcissism to develop in people's hearts and minds. Forget about blaming parents for their children's narcissism. If people would spend in God's Word the time they currently spend on the Internet, watching TV, and using social media, our world would be a different place, and our rising leaders would be different from the men and women we see today.

God has commanded us to love each other, just as He has loved us. For our world to be a better place, we need to obey God's commandments and focus less on loving ourselves and more on loving God, and others.

"So now I am giving you a new commandment:
Love each other.
Just as I have loved you,
you should love each other."
John 13:34 (NLT)

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