Brian and I drove 34 miles southeast of Meeteese to a ghost town of Kirwin, Wyoming.
We had to use our four-wheel drive to travel through creek beds and small rock slides to get there.
Gold and silver were discovered in Kirwin in 1885.
As the population of prospectors grew, it became a small town of 200 people.
Since the location of the town was very isolated, a sawmill, a hotel, post office, two stores, a boarding house, several cabins, a stable and sheds were built.
Then in February 1907, a huge avalanche swept through the town, killing three of the people.
After the roads were cleared in the Spring, everyone abandoned the site, leaving most of their belongings behind.
Today, Kirwin stands only as a ghost of what once existed. It is a reminder that man is like a mere breath. His days are like a passing shadow.
"Man is like a mere breath;
His days are like a passing shadow."
Psalm 144:4 (NIV)
And just when I sensed a sadness of no life in the town of Kirwin, Brian spotted a young moose hidden behind brush. People may die. Towns may become abandoned, but life goes on and memories remain.