Monday, July 08, 2013

A Spiritual Temple, Not A Physical One

Every Saturday morning, my son Chris gets up very early to drive the long distance to a prison where he helps minister God's love and His Word to interested prisoners.

Last night the family all sat together to watch a video in which three of these prisoners gave their testimony of what God has done in their lives. It was heartbreaking to hear their stories of the lives they hurt and took away. But it was also wondrous to sense their genuine repentance and see the miraculous transformation of their hearts.

As I listened to their words, saw the tears flow down their cheeks, and saw family members in the audience supporting them even though their actions had caused them so much pain, I couldn't help but feel convicted about how, in general, churches spend way too much time worried about and discussing matters that are really not all that important. What matters most are the people who live outside the walls of the churches. Modern churches are so concerned about paying the bills to maintain their buildings, upgrading their technology, and remodeling, that they neglect to do what God has called them to do. I wonder if these well-maintained walls are helping, or are they hindering us from doing God's work and His ministry.

God doesn't need large fancy buildings for His presence to dwell. God needs people with the desire to follow Him because it is in their hearts where His presence resides. We are the temple of God, not a church building. Why then are we so concerned about the building? Are we still living in the Old Testament era?

"And you are living stones
that God is building
into His spiritual temple.
What's more,
you are His holy priests.
Through the mediation of Jesus Christ,
you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God."
1 Peter 2:5 (NLT)

It is the spiritual temple that pleases God, not the physical one. And it is this spiritual temple that is laying in ruins, while people all over are hurting, wandering, and dying without Jesus to heal, guide and save them.

When Jesus came to earth as a baby to be born in a lowly manger, His presence filled a stable, not a castle. I believe the people of God will see the manifold presence of God when their hearts are fully turned towards Him, and it will be where they least expect it: in a shabby building filled with people who have hearts filled with gold, not the building itself.

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