Saturday, January 14, 2012

Never Stop Trusting God

When I was sixteen, my parents, my twin brother, and I were summer-holidaying in Salmon Arm near Shuswap Lake, where my family owned a piece of property. My godmother and godfather, who were my aunt and uncle, lived further up the street from my family's property. My aunt and uncle also had two sets of twins, like my parents, and one set, a male and female, were close to the age of my twin brother and me.

My godmother was a dedicated Christian with a servant heart. She had a beautiful singing voice, loved pansies, enjoyed the sound of the waves crashing against the lake shore, and adored animals, especially dogs.

One warm summer day, I remember being alone with my godmother in her vehicle. We had just come from town when we passed a truck with two teenage males in it. The young men smiled at me as we drove by. I foolishly smiled back and waved. That was a mistake! I knew it the moment I did it. The truck with the teenagers suddenly picked up speed and began to follow us.

My godmother was not happy to say the least. She immediately lectured me on the dangers of flirting with strange men. As I slinked down into my seat, my godmother tried to lose them. I was amazed at her confident driving skills! I also felt very guilty and scared for both of us, not because of her driving, but because of those determined young men and us females alone in a car — my godmother was still a very pretty woman.

Thankfully my godmother lost the strangers in the truck. I was ashamed at my foolishness and promised that I would never do that again. I learned my lesson about flirting with danger, and it's one I haven't forgotten.

It is even more dangerous today when women flirt on the Internet by posting provocative pictures of themselves and attracting strange men to meet with them.

*     *     *

Sadly my godmother died in her early middle age with cancer. I still miss her to this day. I grieved very hard when my mother phoned to tell me that my godmother finally died. It was a shock that I wasn't emotionally prepared for because I had been believing in my heart that God would heal her.

Have you ever wondered why God sometimes heals some but not others? This question is something I have pondered for years. I don't know the answer to it. All I know is that God still heals today. We are to never stop having faith in God's healing power no matter what past disappointments we have experienced. We are always to trust God to heal, and also to continue to trust God even when He doesn't.

The Bible says God heals all our diseases — not some, but all.

"Let all that I am praise the Lord;
may I never forget the good things He does for me.
He forgives all my sins
and heals all my diseases.
Psalm 103:2-3 (NLT)

Certain things must then prevent God from healing, but never are we to blame a person who wasn't healed. Only God knows the reason why. Sometimes the future of a person here on earth is too distressing for them to bear. Now that I can look back and see the heartaches my godmother would have had to endure, I am glad she is in Heaven in the loving arms of her Heavenly Father.

Here is a picture of me, Brian, and my godmother on my wedding day, as Brian and I leave the church to go on our honeymoon. She loved Brian. Everyone in my family did! My godmother sang a beautiful song for us at our reception and my mother-in-law played the piano for her.

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