Sunday, January 15, 2012

"Soul Mate": A Dangerous Ideology

What does "soul mate" mean exactly? I've been hearing this term increasingly often, so I decided to look up it's meaning. This is what I discovered: "In New Age spirituality [— interesting terminology —] the ultimate soul mate is the one and only other half of one's soul" (Wikipedia).

I also discovered that the ideology of a "soul mate" has ancient roots. It was Plato, a Greek philosopher, who, over 2000 years ago, first came up with the idea of a "soul mate". He believed that human beings were tragically split in two, and for them to feel complete they have to spend the rest of their lives yearning and searching for the other half of themselves.

This is clearly not Scriptural, and yet I even hear Christians using the term "soul mate".

Even more shocking, the idea of a "soul mate" is being used as an excuse for marriage breakups. When a marriage becomes turbulent and requires work, men and women falsely come to the conclusion, "I must have made a mistake — my husband or wife can't be my soul mate." Then tragedies occur, covenants with God are broken, and families are destroyed.

The idea of a "soul mate" can also cause infidelity in a marriage. When a married man or woman convinces him/herself that he/she has finally come across his/her "soul mate" — who is not his/her spouse — he/she feels he/she must be with the new "soul mate" to be completely happy. This is a deceptive lie of Satan because a person can never be truly happy living with the guilt of disobeying God and betraying the trust of his/her spouse.

There are also others who are continually trying to find their "soul mate", a perfect replica of themselves, but are never succeeding. This prevents them from marrying. Instead they are always searching. Even if God brings them a good mate, they doubt God's infinite wisdom and reject God's choice because of this New Age philosophy on love.

This ideology of "soul mate" is wrong and dangerous.

The Bible says we are all fearfully and wonderfully made, not we are only half a being who can only be made complete by finding our other half. That's crazy!

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
Psalm 139:14 (NIV)

When we marry, the Bible says two [whole] people will join together to become one flesh, not two [half] people will rejoin to form one person who was split apart.

"And the two will become one flesh,
so they are no longer two, but one."
Mark 10:8 (NIV)

As Christians, we need to be on guard against New Age philosophies that are contrary to the Word of God. That's why it's so important to know God's Word.

The idea of finding a "soul mate" might initially sound good, but it is a falsehood of Satan that is destroying God's plans for people's lives, ending marriages, and splitting families.

The Bible says that God will give you the desires of your heart when you delight yourself in the Lord.

"Delight yourself in the Lord 
and He will give you the desires of your heart."
Psalm 37:4

If you have a desire to get married, you don't have to worry or fret, or go desperately searching. You just have to love, serve and trust God! And when God blesses you with a mate, be thankful and trust God's decision. Never stop loving your husband and wife!

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