Saturday, December 15, 2012

Since You Have Forgotten Me

A few days ago, a lady friend and I accompanied another lady friend Christmas shopping for her family members and loved ones. She was having a difficult time getting into the Christmas spirit and the two of us wanted to make it a fun event for her. The result was that not only did she have fun, but so did we. The three of us had a great time supporting one another and just being friends!

However, as we visited at the various stores, every time we went to a cashier for my one lady friend to purchase an item, my other lady friend wished the cashier a merry Christmas! And every time the cashier responded "Happy Holidays!" instead of "Merry Christmas!" It's so heartbreaking to see the world delete Jesus Christ and His Word from Christmas, schools, and governments. But it's even worse to see Christians, as many are doing now, delete Him and His Word from their lives and their churches.

The Bible says that, in the past, God's people were being destroyed because they did not know Him. This now is also true today, and it's because so many pastors, elders, teachers, and church-goers refuse to know Him themselves. They have shoved His Word aside and replaced it with modern thinking, or subtracted from or added to it to fit their own rules and beliefs. As a result, they have forgotten the laws of their God, leaving people in confusion and chaos, and, even worse, leaving people unprotected from the evil one.

"My people are being destroyed
because they don't know Me.
Since you priests refuse to know Me,
I refuse to recognize you as my priests.
Since you have forgotten
the laws of your God,
I will forget to bless your children."
Hosea 4:6 (NIV)

Who is to blame for the evil crimes and disasters we see today? The world blames God. And the church-goers, well, they blame the devil. But God says the blame lies with the people who refer to themselves as Christians, even call themselves priests or pastors, but have no desire to know Him, teach His Word, listen to His Holy Spirit, or abide by His laws.

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