Sunday, June 07, 2015

Who Can Compare?

While Brian and I stayed in Alamogordo, we also drove to the Carlsbad Caverns National Park in southeastern New Mexico to explore the extraordinary beauty of the limestone caves.

As we walked down 88 stories into a large cave chamber called the Big Room, it gave us a perspective as to just how deep this cavern was.
When we finally entered the Big Room, stalagmites of all shapes, sizes and designs were seen protruding from the cavern's floor.

Then when we looked up, we saw stalactites hanging from the cavern's roof like jagged tan-coloured icicles.


Stalagmites and stalactites are made of calcium carbonate.

They are created by the dripping of percolating calcareous water in large caves.
The Carlsbad Caverns are unique because they were formed not only by groundwater, but by sulfuric acid as well, producing some striking features.

Jim White, a local in the area and a young boy, was the first person to explore these caverns.

An inscription reading "J White 1898" was discovered deep within the Carlsbad Caverns in the 1980's, providing evidence of his existence there when he was only sixteen years old.

Jim used homemade tools, such as a wire ladder, to do his exploring, naming many of the caves and prominent formations. In Jim White's honour, these names are still used today.

Exploring the natural phenomenal of these limestone caves, I couldn't help but consider it's Creator and His marvelous handiwork. There is no one who can compare!
"To whom will you compare Me?
Or who is My equal?
Isaiah 40:26 (NIV)

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