Monday, March 18, 2013

Is It Possible To Slip Through Heaven's Gate?

Yesterday, a retired pastor in the congregation gave the Sunday morning message. In his message, the speaker said something so contrary to God's Word that my three sons and I sat there in shock at the words that were coming forth from his mouth. He stated that there are two types of Christians: carnal and spiritual. The speaker's definition of a carnal Christian is a worldly Christian who has accepted the free gift of salvation through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, but continues to live in sin, serving self rather than God. The spiritual Christian is a Christ-like Christian who has accepted Jesus Christ into his/her heart as Lord and Saviour, and shows his/her love for God through obedience and service to Him. The carnal Christian does not produce good works, but the spiritual Christian does. (Now comes the heresy.) The speaker then boldly stated that both types of Christians will enter heaven. The only drawback is that the carnal Christian will not get any rewards, but the spiritual Christian will. My first reaction in thoughts were: "We don't serve God to get rewards; we serve God because we love Him! And if someone doesn't serve God, then who and what does he/she love?!"

The Bible states clearly that you cannot serve two masters. You either hate the one or love the other.

"No one can serve two masters.
Either you will hate the one
and love the other,
or you will be devoted to the one
and despise the other.
You cannot serve both God and money."
Luke 16:13 (NIV)

The Bible also says that if you are a friend of the world, then you are an enemy of God. And if you say you are a Christian but remain a friend of the world, then you are worse than an enemy: you are a traitor!

"You adulterous people,
don't you know that friendship
with the world means
enmity against God?
Therefore, anyone who chooses
to be a friend of the world
becomes an enemy of God."
James 4:4 (NIV)

If people believe they can slip through heaven's gate simply by saying the salvation prayer, gaining a free pass without a love and a desire to serve God, they are only deceiving themselves with grave consequences.

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