Monday, November 05, 2012

The Closer You Listen, The More Understanding You Will Receive

I was so excited yesterday after church! Immediately following the service, two ladies introduced themselves to me, and all three of us were of like mind. They actually wanted to talk to me! After conversing with them for a bit, I told them my heart's desire: for God to use me in evangelism and teaching God's Word. I expected a yawn, or maybe a "that's nice," but instead, their eyes lit up. They began to share with me enthusiastically that it is also their foremost desire to see their church focus more on evangelism and God's Word. "Wow!" I thought. "This is great! Praise God!"

I found out later that one of the ladies is the wife of the young adult Bible teacher whom my sons admire so much. He is a physician, but a humble God-fearing man who loves God's Word.

I will be honest. The three years now that I have lived in Alberta have been very difficult for me because I have been feeling so frustrated and useless, like how Joseph must have felt while in prison. So many souls are out there in need of a Saviour.

In the past, I have always been very active in church and other ministries. It isn't easy for me to be dormant. If any one knows me, they know that that's not my nature! To keep me from going insane during these last three years, I have written my feelings and experiences in this blog as God has taught and corrected me in many things. I have learned more in the last three years than I have during my three years studying in Bible College. I guess the seemingly unproductive years we go through can turn out to actually be the most productive.

Jesus said that we need to pay close attention to what He says to us, because the closer we listen, the more understanding we will receive — and even greater benefits too.

"The He added,
'Pay close attention to what you hear.
The closer you listen,
the more understanding you will be given —
and you will receive even more."
Mark 4:24 (NLT)

For me, God had to move me to a strange city where I knew no one and felt all alone before I stopped to reflect on past experiences and learn more about who He is and what His heart's desires are. Despite how lonely I felt during this time, I did have close beside me Him, His precious Word, a computer, and a keyboard.

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