Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Take An Interest In Others Too

My son Tim won't know the results of his gastroscopy until September 27th.

Yesterday, as Tim and I were escorted to a small waiting room, I was unexpectedly told by the nurse that I would have to stay there for three hours because I didn't have a cell phone for her to contact me if I left. (Maybe it's about time I got one of those things.)

For the first half hour, I used all my self-control to keep my mouth shut while I looked at the faces of the other people who were waiting. Talk about feeling awkward! I almost went insane. I have a very difficult time sitting still, let alone sitting still among people who are not talking. So, to prevent my insanity, I had no choice but to open my mouth. I decided to tenderly ask the lady sitting directly in front of me the untactful question, "What are you in here for?"

I was pleased she didn't take offence and we began to talk. I excitedly found out that she and her husband are Christians and have two sons in the ministry. The older one is a pastor in Vancouver and the younger one works for YC, which organizes youth conferences all over the world. This last son was having an colonoscopy and they, his parents, were there waiting for him to finish. As we began to talk, everyone else in the room began to share about themselves as well.

I learned that the man sitting to the left of me, who was waiting to have a colonoscopy, just came back from Kamloops, BC after dropping his son off at Thompson Rivers University for his first semester there. This excited me even more because I used to live there and all of my sons attended that university. He was quite funny because when the nurse finally came to call him for his test, he hesitated — he wanted to finish telling us his story. The nurse laughed and so did I. I guess she doesn't usually see people having so much fun in a hospital waiting room that they don't want to leave.

After the first half hour, the rest of the time passed by like minutes as there was not a silent moment to be heard. We all got to know each other and we left richer, making a group of strangers our friends. I think all the nurses were jealous as they heard us talking and laughing together. And it all began by one simple daring question.

The Bible tells us that we shouldn't just look out only for our own interests, but take an interest in others too. This includes strangers that God brings to the waiting room in which you are sitting.

"Don't look out only for your own interests,
but take an interest in others, too."
Phillippians 2:4 (NLT)

Today I will again be taking my son to the hospital for further tests. This time he will be having an ultrasound on his abdomen. I can't wait to see who I will meet today!

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