Sunday, September 16, 2012

Wisdom, Ability, And Expertise Come From God

Yesterday my husband took me to Best Buy and bought me my first cell phone. It is a Samsung Galaxy S III. The name meant nothing to me at the time. I was just there to buy a portable phone. Or so I thought.

I had to boringly sit in a chair for an hour while a salesman rattled off a memorized speech. The speech wasn't really an hour, because it was interrupted several times by the necessity of helping a fellow-salesman who had less experience. Each time, my salesman returned, he apologized to me about it, reviewed everything he had previously said to me, and then continued with the rest of the speech. I quickly became unenthusiastic and expressionless. I just wanted to sign the deal and get out of there! It was Saturday, I was bored, and the line-up behind me was a mile-long.

As the completion of the purchase drew near, the salesman asked me with not a little confusion, "How come you're not excited?"

"It's just a phone," I replied.

Uh-oh. Wrong answer. He unbelievingly looked directly into my eyes and said, "It's not just a phone! It's a super-phone with a processor that's faster than any computer you have at home. This phone has the technology to even run an airplane."

"Okay," I thought, "where have I been these last few years? I don't think I will ever be bored again!"

Over the next half-hour, the salesman proceeded to explain to me how to use the different functions of my phone. His approach to instruction was to place the phone (or should I say computer) in my hands and make me do everything myself. With each function, I got more and more excited. He even had to reprimand my husband several times for swiping the phone out of my hands to see for himself.

As we left the store, I was just as excited as a child on Christmas day. The blank look on my face was long gone. I carried a smile from ear to ear when my husband whispered into one of them, "I'm jealous. Your phone is better than mine."

The wisdom, ability, and expertise of man who is able to invent such technology comes from God Himself, and it's really only a minuscle amount of what the Father possesses.

"I have filled him with the Spirit of God,
giving him great wisdom, ability,
and expertise in all kinds of crafts."
Exodus 31:3 (NLT)

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