Wednesday, October 10, 2012

His Splendour Is Above The Earth And The Heavens!

The Thursday we were in Alaska, we drove in the early morning to the parking lot on Flattop Mountain, which is the most climbed mountain in the state of Alaska, located just east of the city of Anchorage.

I took this beautiful picture from the parking lot. Flattop mountain is directly behind me.

Denali's peak is clearly visible from here. The clouds are lying just above it, making it a heavenly sight.

Early evening the same day, Brian and I came back to climb the summit. However, we weren't able to reach the very top as there was a thick cloud layer which made the rocks slippery and visibility poor.

Here are some pictures I took of this hike.

The city of Anchorage can be seen in the distance.

The foliage was beautiful.

The array of colours was spectacular.

And this crooked tree caught my husband's attention.

But as we got closer to the top, the forest changed, and it captivated me even more! All of a sudden, I had an urge to run through these twisted trees like a child in play, praising my Heavenly Father.

I understand fully the words of David in his song of praise.

"Praise the Lord.

"Praise the Lord from the heavens;
praise Him in the heights above.
Praise Him, all His angels;
praise Him, all His heavenly hosts.
Praise Him, sun and moon;
praise Him, all you shining stars.
Praise Him, you highest heavens
and you waters above the skies.

"Let them praise the Name of the Lord,
for at His command they were created,
and He established them for ever and ever —
He issued a decree that will never pass away.

"Praise the Lord from the earth,
you great sea creatures and all ocean depths,
lightning and hail, snow and clouds,
stormy winds that do His bidding,
you mountains and all hills,
fruit trees and all cedars,
wild animals and all cattle,
small creatures and flying birds,
kings of the earth and all nations,
you princes and all rulers on earth,
young men and women,
old men and children.

"Let them praise the Name of the Lord,
for His Name alone is exalted;
His splendor is above the earth and the heavens.

Psalm 148:1-12 (NIV)

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