Friday, October 05, 2012

Worry Can't Add A Single Hour To Our Life

When we were wandering through the historic town of Talkeetna, I noticed a small log-building advertising Alaska Flight-seeing Tours and Air Taxing Services. I immediately turned to my husband, pointed to the building, and excitedly asked him if we could go in there and see what the cost would be to have a flight-seeing tour of Mount McKinley. Brian agreed and off we went. Unfortunately, the cost was much higher than we expected, so we all shook our heads in disappointment. The man at the desk saw that it was going to be a no-show, so he then lowered the price by twenty percent. The price was still pretty high, but I gave my husband "the puppy dog look," and he gave in. Within fifteen minutes we were at the Talkeetna airport and up in the air because the other group had just landed when we got there. Talk about perfect timing. Each flight-seeing tour lasts one hour.

However, during those fifteen minutes of waiting, I started to get nervous. Many times I act on impulse, and regret it later. I was worried that our pilot would be inexperienced. I even voiced my concerns, not realizing the pilot was right there in the room off to the side. I did notice a smirk on his face when I asked the man at the desk if the pilot was sixteen years old. Neither men responded, so they must have thought I was joking, but I wasn't. I was also worried about motion sickness. I didn't want to ruin everybody's flight by throwing up.

When I finally realized who the pilot was, I asked him if he was going to do any flips. Again, he just smirked, which made me even more nervous. Why don't these men answer my questions? They seem logical to me! Anyway, since nobody was trying to ease my worries, I held onto my mother-in-law's arm just to make sure and prayed to God for a smooth, uneventful flight. I didn't know how holding onto her arm would do me any good, but it did make me feel better.

I am pleased to say that the flight was everything but uneventful. It was truly spectacular! and worth every cent! There wasn't any turbulence either, which is very rare, especially when the plane reaches close to the mountain. "Why did I waste my energy worrying?" I ask myself now.

This is the plane we flew in. It is a Cessna 185, which seats up to five people, including the pilot. We were told that one out of every seventeen people in Alaska has a plane.

Here we all are in the plane, enjoying every moment of the scenery on high. I gave the camera to my husband since he was the one sitting in the back and could take pictures on both sides of the plane. I will show some of his best pictures on tomorrow's blog.

I liked the pilot so much that I asked him after we landed if I could take a picture of him with his plane. He graciously agreed even though he was kind of shy. When I told him he was a fantastic pilot, that quirky smile of his turned into a beaming one.

I don't even know why sometimes I bother myself with worry when I know I can trust God. Worrying can never add a single hour to my life. It might subtract from it, but it certainly won't add to it. We got the best pilot and the best weather at the time God orchestrated our flight of a life-time.

"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"
Matthew 6:25 (NIV)

Trust God at all times and in all situations. Don't ever forget that He is right there beside you. All you need to do is call on Him.

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