Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Eye Of The Needle

Have you ever noticed that the poor can be exceedingly generous while their rich neighbours give so little? Why is that? Could it be that wealth and riches foster greed, selfishness, and lust for influence and prestige, which leads the affluent away from God and all that is in His heart?

Why is it that Christians who have very little of this world's money and material possessions also have a greater love and reverence for God than those who have much of this world's wealth?

Have you ever travelled to an underdeveloped country where poverty is rampant and the people there have so so very little? Yet those who believe in God impatiently long to go to church on Sundays to worship God with great passion and love for Him. The poor arrive in Church long before the service begins, and some even walk several kilometres to get there. They don't chat in the foyer and they don't walk into the worship service halfway through, sit down, and check their phones for text messages. They have none of the world's possessions or excess money, but, in reality, they are very wealthy because they have more of God in their hearts and lives. And what little they do have, they give.

The Bible says that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a person who seeks the wealth of this world to be a servant and child of God.

"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle
than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God."
Mark 10:25

Let us all have a greater desire for the things of God and not for the things of this world. We don't need to drive the most expensive vehicle, live in the largest house, or wear brand-name clothing. What we do need is more of God in our lives, and a greater love and passion to serve Him.

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