Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It Is Not About Numbers

So many people today judge a Pastor or a church's success by the number of people that attend. If the number stays the same or doesn't increase rapidly, they automatically blame the leadership or view the church as being spiritually "dead".

From experience, I have noticed that a small congregation doesn't necessarily mean the church is ineffective or fruitless, and a large congregation doesn't always indicate spiritual revival.

God does not look at a church body and count how many people are there. He doesn't applaud at a large number and frown at a small number. God looks at the hearts of the people and is pleased when He sees those that truly love Him.

There could be over a thousand people attending one church, but are they in love with God or are they in love with the church? Do they go because of the charismatic Pastor, the large multi-million dollar church building, and the talented singers and musicians? Do they go because the sermons are funny, entertaining and pleasing to listen to; the pews are soft and comfortable to sit on; and the worship service is lively and full of sound to enjoy? When the people get up to dance to the music and clap their hands, is it because they are happy to be God's child or is it because the music stirs them to action?

Then down the street a little ways, there is another building, but this one is plain and unnoticed. At this site one hundred people gather every Sunday morning to give honour to God. The Pastor isn't strikingly handsome, but his face is kind and his eyes are sincere. He is humble man with a servant attitude. His sermons are simple, but profound. He holds the Bible close to his heart as he preaches in a soft gentle voice. The worship service is unprofessional, the singers off pitch, and the musicians inexperienced, but all their faces shine with the radiance of God's spirit. The music is pure joy. The people's eyes are closed. They are captivated by God's presence. His peace envelopes them and His joy overtakes them.

Church isn't about numbers, the charm of the pastor, the beauty of the building or the talent of the musicians for the Lord does not look at the things man looks at. God looks at the heart. Man looks at the outward appearance.

"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at.
 Man looks at the outward appearance,
but the Lord looks at the heart."
1 Samuel 16:7

Don't be fooled or discouraged by numbers. Don't assume that a large church is more blessed than a small church. If your church is large in number, keep your focus on God and seek the desires of His heart. If your church is small in number, continue to love God and serve Him with all you got. Constantly remind yourself that it isn't about the numbers. It's about what is in the hearts of the people. Remember, God looks at things differently than you do and His goals are higher than yours.

"'For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways My ways,' declares the Lord.
'As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are My ways higher than your ways
and My thoughts than your thoughts.'"
Isaiah 55:8-9

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