Saturday, November 19, 2011

White As Snow

Winter is here. The first snow has fallen.

It is astounding how freshly fallen snow changes the appearance of the earth around us. Although they have long since lost their emerald leaves, the drab-looking deciduous trees once again become beautiful beneath a crystalline capping of snow that shimmers in the light of the moon. Even the evergreen trees are more alluring as they dazzle with an icing of sparkly white snow.

The enchanting birds that fill the air with captivating song are no longer hidden by the dark brownness of branch and foliage. The source of the song is exposed, and the uniqueness and colour of each bird is visible to all, drawing bird lovers to set out fresh seeds during the cold wintery days.

As the clouds disperse, the daytime sky shines brilliantly blue against the contrasting white of the snow-covered land. The sun shines radiantly upon the purified earth and causes the snow to glitter as if covered by tiny seeds of diamond scattered by the Master Farmer.

The busy sounds of our modern world soften to a hush. The roar of airplane engines in the sky above and the whizz of car engines on the pavement below dwindle to a hum. The quiet and slowness we have longed for has come, lending a sense of peace and tranquility to our hectic lives.

But not only is beauty amplified by freshly fallen snow; flaws are hidden as well. The garbage that was carelessly littered along the sides of the roads disappears, and so do cracks in the concrete walkways.

The Bible uses the imagery of snow to symbolize the purity of Jesus because in Him there is no sin. He is free of all evilness and guilt.

"His face shone like lightning, and His clothing was as white as snow."
Matthew 28:3

When we accept Jesus into our hearts, His Holy Spirit comes to live within us, and we too become pure because God cleanses us from all sin and makes those sins, no matter how flagrantly offensive, as white as snow.

"Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow."
Isaiah 1:18

As snow covers the flaws of this world, Jesus' blood covers our sins. As snow beautifies the earth around us, God's love beautifies those lives whose heart is tune to Him.

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