Saturday, March 10, 2012

Should I Feel Guilty?

The dry climate where I live is brutal to the skin. As a result, Tim and I both have developed rosacea. At first I tried to battle it myself with very little success. Then I went to the doctor and was prescribed a topical gel, but that only made my rosacea worse. When I went back to the doctor, she recommended photo facial treatments at a clinic in the city. Photo facials treat rosacea by using intense pulsed light. My doctor told me to ask for a specific lady at the clinic to do these IPL treatments.

As I drove to the clinic Wednesday of this week for a consultation, I was a bit nervous because the area I had to travel was new to me. Also, I wasn't too sure if I could trust someone I didn't know to do these treatments on my face, even though she was highly recommended.

Well, God is good because He is the One who really orchestrated everything. Sometimes I don't even know why I worry. The lady was extremely nice, and after talking with her a bit, I found out that she is a Christian attending a sister church to the one I am attending. God sure amazes me at times!

But that's not all. The friendly lady had time on the Wednesday I was there to give me a preliminary facial before the actual IPL treatments. I guess someone must have cancelled because she said she usually is extremely busy working six days a week til eight o'clock each night. I agreed to the facial, even though I felt a bit guilty as I pondered the question: Should Christians have facials? Anyways, even though I had a hard time relaxing, it felt absolutely wonderful! She complimented me on my skin and said that I must eat healthy, which I do. I don't smoke, I don't drink alcohol, pop, or coffee, and I don't eat junk food. Neither do I suntan. My only problem is that my skin is just far too sensitive to handle the dry air.

Yesterday, I had my first IPL treatment. It hurt, but for the first time last night, I was able to sleep without waking up several times in the night to scratch my skin and put moisturizer on it. I praise God for technology and medical care. Oh yeah, and also for water and vitamin E: to prevent flare ups, I am supposed to drink eight glasses of water a day and put vitamin E on my skin in the evening.

I can certainly handle that. I don't know if I ever will have another facial. I still feel a bit guilty thinking about it, but it sure felt nice!

I know God created this lady with a special gift to treat people's skin problems, so I must learn not reject her help and care, or feel guilty, but rather be thankful to God for her.

"Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything,
 in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Ephesians 5:20 (NIT)

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