Thursday, June 20, 2013

Is It Noticeable? Is It Obvious?

Even though Joseph was sold into slavery by his older brothers, it was so obvious that the Lord was with him  that Potiphar, his master, made Joseph overseer of his house and everything he owned.

"Now his master saw that the Lord
 was with him
and how the Lord caused
all that he did
to prosper in his hand."
Genesis 39:3 (NAS)

Then later when Joseph was unfairly thrown into prison for a crime he didn't commit, the evidence the Lord was with him was so remarkably that the chief jailer gave Joseph the authority to be in charge of all the prisoners.

"But the Lord was with Joseph
and extended kindness to him,
and gave him favour
in the sight of the chief jailer."
Genesis 39:21 (NAS)

Now let me ask this: If Joseph had hatred and unforgiveness in his heart towards his ten brothers, Potiphar's wife who lied about him, the Chief Baker who forgot about him for the longest time, and God who allowed all these bad things to happen to him, would it have been evident to others that God was with him? No it would not have been. It is vitally important to God and our testimony to others that God is real and that He is with us by how we respond to the problems, hurts, disappointments, and losses in our lives.

As a seventeen-year-old boy, Joseph may have started off arrogant for he was spoiled, tattled on his older brothers to their father, and then told them about his two dreams which implied that one day they will all bow down to him. However, his pride must have turned into humility the day his coat was tore off him, he was thrown into a pit of dirt to die, and sold into slavery by his own brothers. He could have been bitter, but instead he was humbled. He became sorry for his prideful attitude, trusted God and did good all the rest of his life. As a result, God was with him and eventually exalted him to the second highest position in all of Egypt, not as a proud man, but as a humble one.

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