Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Enjoyment Of Life

"So I recommend having fun
because there is nothing better for people in this world
than to eat, drink, and enjoy life.
That way they will experience some happiness
along with all the hard work God gives them under the sun."
Ecclesiastes 8:15

This is exactly what two full-time university students, one grade-six middle-school student, and a forty-nine-year old woman did yesterday. Two of my sons, Tim and Matthew, took our guest to the West Edmonton Mall yesterday to spend the day at the amusement park and do some last minute Christmas shopping.

I actually went on seven different rides. However, I became so nauseated and dizzy on one of the Advanced rides that I subsequently limited myself to Intermediate rides, bumper cars, and alien shootouts. You would think by now I would know better from the start. I guess not.

On the other hand, these three couldn't stop. They rode the rides for five hours. There were no line-ups, and so when I say five hours, I mean five hours of no stopping. This picture was taken automatically by a camera during one of the rides. The expression on their faces depicts their true horror which naturally, I mean, insanely, led to their great enjoyment! What have I learned from yesterday's experience? That kids' and young people's brains haven't completely developed yet.

Matthew and the young girl even went on the Mindbender Roller Coaster, but only once. Tim, being the oldest of the three, had a bit more brain development and refused the ride. The roller coaster has a triple loop, a maximum speed of 100 km/h, and a maximum acceleration of 5.5 G.

The young girl wanted to go on the Mindbender once more a few hours later, but Matthew said no. See what I mean about brain development? At least Matthew realized that when it comes to experiencing the terror of the Mindbender, once is enough.

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