Monday, December 05, 2011

Everything We Need For Living

If you are depressed, if the joy of living is gone, if your world is dark with not even a glimmer of light in the distance, go to God. His Words of Life are just one book away.

If you are hurting inside and need desperately to talk to someone for the pain you feel is unbearable, go to God. He is right there beside you longing for you to turn your heart towards Him and tell Him everything. God waits patiently, hoping you will remember: He is there and has the time.

If you feel rejected, worthless, and of no value, know that God loves you and can turn your life into something beautiful if you give it to Him. God's eyes roam the earth to and fro looking for souls that desire to be used by Him. Give your life to God today.

If you feel utterly alone, if there is no close family member or person to share your world with, if you attend a large church and the people are but mere faces barely recognizable in a sea of bobbling heads, if there are people all around but no one you could call friend — remember God is your best friend and will always be. There will never be a person on earth as reliable and loyal as He.

If you are out of work and have a family to feed, if the economy is bad and the future bleak, don't give up. God promises to provide for all your needs. Don't put your trust in a leader or the economy. Put your trust in Him.

If you need wisdom to make a decision when your mind does not know which way to turn, God will generously give you His wisdom. God is omniscient. He is all-knowing. All you have to do is ask.

If you need understanding in a situation that perplexes you and you do not know who or what to believe, or how to respond, ask God to enlighten you, for only He knows the truth.

If your family is falling apart, know this: You are part of God's family and God will always be your Father.

To sum it all up: if you are in any kind of need, learn to go to God for the answer. The greatest men in the Bible were ones who learned to trust completely in God, for they had no one else to go to, no one else they could trust.

Joseph is a prime example. He lost everything he knew, except God. Everything was taken away from Him, except God. He learned to trust only in God. God became his everything. Then when Joseph was ready, God used him miraculously and mightily. But Joseph remained humble and in love with God, He didn't worship any other person but God because he never forgot the valuable lesson he learned: God is his all.

If your husband or wife is unfaithful to you, your best friend betrays you, your church splits, your parents divorce, your job ends, your mate dies, or your dreams shatter, you can still live life because you have God.

When it comes down to it, God is all we really need. When we have God, we have it all!

"By His divine power,
God has given us everything we need for living a godly life.
We have received all of this by coming to know Him,
the One who called us to Himself
by means of His marvelous glory and excellence."
2 Peter 1:3

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