Saturday, May 19, 2012

Let Me In!

"Everything on dry land that had the breath of life in its nostrils died.
Every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out;
people and animals and the creatures that move along the ground
and the birds were wiped from the earth."
Genesis 7:22-23 (NLT)

"Let me in!"

Sometimes when I let my dogs out to go to the bathroom, my cat Hunter likes to follow. When my dogs have done their jobs, they immediately come back up the sun deck stairs and wait at the glass door for me to let them in, and Hunter is usually close behind. However, a few days ago when I let the dogs out, Hunter was delayed for some reason in coming back in, so I forgot about her. She came up the stairs only a few minutes later, but, unfortunately, the glass door was already shut, and I was busy doing something elsewhere.

Hunter was extremely annoyed! She didn't sit at the glass door waiting patiently for me to let her in like the dogs do. Instead, she meowed fiercely until my son Tim heard the noise and let her in. (Of course, Tim had to take a picture first, which probably irritated Hunter even more.) When I saw the face of Hunter in the picture that Tim took, I immediately felt bad. I love Hunter, as I do all my animals. I closed the door on her because she just wasn't there.

And again Noah's Ark comes to mind. How exceedingly painful it must have been for God when He finally closed the door of the Ark, leaving all those people whom He created out of ernest love to drown in the world's greatest flood that destroyed all living things on the face of the earth. Why would a loving God do something like that? Because the people's hearts were too full of evil to believe Him.

And if you think it wasn't heart-wrenching for God to close that door of the Ark, you're wrong! God loved those people dearly. There will never be any person who could love us more than God. He suffered and died for us so that we could be free to enter Heaven's gate, but we must give our hearts to Him first. There is not a person on earth who is too corrupt or too evil for God to forgive. His grace can cover all sins. But the sinful need to seek God first. We who are already God's children need to show the lost the way to salvation. Yes, many will still reject God, but many are yearning to experience the life-changing power of God's love and His Word.

Let's us love and see people the way God loves and sees them. Let's do our best to bring the unsaved to the life-saving knowledge of God so that they can enter His Kingdom to be with Him for eternity.

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