Friday, May 18, 2012

Live For God And God Alone!

"Seven days from now 
I will will send rain on the earth 
for forty days and forty nights, 
and I will wipe from the face of the earth
 every living creature I have made."
Genesis 4:7 (NIV)

I have been thinking recently about Noah and the Ark. I think the heavy rains we've been experiencing lately have triggered my memory of this Bible story — a Bible story I'd sometimes like to forget because I can't help but shudder at the picture I see in my mind of the terrified faces of people, including babies and young children, drowning in the flood. At the same time, I can't help but think of the deaths of all the animals that weren't directed to go into the Ark.

To me the story of Noah and the Ark is a horror story that is far worst than any of the national disasters that we hear about in the present time. It isn't a cute children's story to be read for fun and entertainment. It also isn't something that should be painted on Church walls for children to point out their favourite animals, giving the impression that it's a story with a fairy tale ending. It isn't. Millions of people and animals died during the flood and were sent to spend eternity in hell.

As a young girl, I used to have a Bible story book that contained a picture that still haunts me to this day. It is a picture of the people and animals drowning outside of the Ark, with people begging to be let in. That same look on the faces of those people as they drowned will be the look on the faces of the many people who suddenly see the disappearance of Christians when Jesus comes back to earth again and realize they were left behind. It is the look on their faces as they personally meet Jesus for the first time at Heaven's gate, only to be told that their names are not written in the Lamb's Book of Life. It is the look on their faces as they are condemned to spend eternity in hell — a place of torment and utter loneliness.

Why are so many Christians playing church instead of evangelizing to the lost? People are going to hell! Why are they so concerned with improving their church buildings, purchasing increasingly modern sound equipment, and implementing better programs to satisfy existing church family members, instead of reaching out to the people who do not know God as Lord and Saviour. Why do so many pastors today view their work as a job to keep the board and the church members happy, instead of as a ministry whose main purpose is to please God and reach souls for His Kingdom.

And why do people who call themselves Christians continue to live in sin without any guilt or repentance? Why do these "Christians" publicly justify sins that are in direct contradiction to God's commands and His holy character? How can they still hope to obtain Heaven's eternity when they desire to please themselves and other people more than God? Where is the fear and respect of the Lord? Do they no longer exist in our society?

The same God that allowed all those people to drown in the flood is the same God we will all meet face-to-face one day. He can send people to hell, and will if they choose not to live for Him here on earth. Let us change our mindset and do all we can to bring souls to the Kingdom of God, and teach them to live for God and God alone. The story of Noah and the Ark should be a warning to an increasingly evil world.

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