Wednesday, January 23, 2013

God Does Not Show Favouritism

God is fair. He shows no favouritism.

"For God does not show favouritism."
Romans 2:11 (NIV)

He loves all people equally because they are all the work of His hands.

"'Is he not the One who . . .
. . . shows no partiality to princes
and does not favour the rich over the poor,
for they are all the work of His hands?'"
Job 34:18-19 (NIV)

Even before God formed any of us, He already knew us in His heart.

"'Before I formed you in the womb
I knew you.'"
Jeremiah 1:5a (NIV)

The writer of the CNN article made this third charge against God: that He is not fair. She felt that He doesn't love all people equally when He answers some people's insignificant prayers and does not answer other people's more serious prayers.

There are many reasons why God doesn't answer every individual prayer the way people desire Him to.

1. God's Omniscience: His thoughts and His ways are much higher than our thoughts and our ways.

"'For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways My ways,'
declares the Lord.
'As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are My ways higher than your ways
and My thoughts than your thoughts.'"
Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV)

2. Disobedience: People must obey God's commands and do what pleases Him before God can answer their prayers. Otherwise, God finds their prayers repulsive.

"If anyone turns a deaf ear to My instruction,
even their prayers are detestable."
Proverbs 28:9 (NIV)

3. Unconfessed sin: God will not listened to people's prayers if they have hidden and unconfessed sin in their hearts.

"If I had not confessed the sin in my heart,
the Lord would not have listened."
Psalm 66:18 (NLT)

4. Dishonour to others: God commands people to love one another as God loves them, so that their prayers will not be hindered.

"A new command I give you:
Love one another.
As I have loved you,
so you must love one another."
John 13:34 (NIV)

5. Unbelief: People must come to God in faith, believe that He exists, and believe He will answer them. Without faith, it is impossible to please God.

"And without faith
it is impossible to please God,
because anyone who comes to Him
must believe that He exists
and that He rewards those
who earnestly seek Him."
Hebrews 11:6 (NIV)

6. Impatience: People give up too soon when the answers to their prayers do not come right away. Pray continually.

"Pray continually."
1 Thessalonians 5:17 (NIV)

God loves everyone equally. There is not a person on earth that He loves more than another! God knew each person before he/she was even formed. He knew him/her in His heart! God desires to answer all our prayers, but sometimes His thoughts and ways are higher than our thoughts and ways. And sometimes we hinder our prayers because of disobedience, unconfessed sin, mistreatment of others, unbelief, and impatience.

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