Sunday, January 27, 2013

We Are To Use Our Freedom To Serve

God teaches servanthood. When someone becomes a child of God, he/she is called by God to live in freedom because he/she is now free from the curse of his/her sinful nature, the curse of death. However, a child of God is not to use this newfound freedom to satisfy his/her sinful nature. Instead, he/she is to use this freedom to serve others in love.

"For you have been called
to live in freedom,
my brothers and sisters.
But don't use your freedom
to satisfy your sinful nature.
Instead, use your freedom
to serve one another in love."
Galatians 5:13 (NLT)

The last charge the writer made against God in her article explaining why she raises her children without God was this: God teaches narcissism. More specifically, she believes that teaching children that God has a special plan for them gives them a false sense that they are special. She also feels that teaching children about God's grace encourages selfishness because it causes them to think that no matter what wrongs they commit they don't have to worry about it: God loves them, so He will instantly forgive them.

First, it is true that God has a plan for each person whom He has created. But these are not self-agrandizing plans. They are to do good, not evil. God offers each person a future, a future to be a servant in His Kingdom. Not a super star, lord, or master. He gives us hope, the hope of spending eternity with Him in a perfect sinless world.

"'For I know the plans I have for you',
says the Lord.
They are plans for good
and not disaster,
to give you a future and a hope."
Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT)

Secondly, it is true that we are all special in God's eyes. He attentively watches every child as He forms and weaves him/her together in the womb. Nevertheless, knowing that God has a plan for us does not create narcism, because the roots of narcism lie in severe insecurity while the fruit of God's dear love for us is a steadfast security that motivates us to love others.

"You watched me
as I was being formed 
in utter seclusion,
as I was woven together
in the dark of the womb."
Psalm 139:15 (NLT)

Finally, it is not true that God's grace offers immediate forgiveness for people sins. People must repent first. Repentance is having a deep sorrow for past sins and a desire to turn away from them. God offers forgiveness of sins, but only for those who repent.

"It was also written
that this message
would be proclaimed
in the authority of His Name
to all the nations,
beginning in Jerusalem:
'There is forgiveness of sins
 for all who repent.'"
Luke 24:47 (NLT)

A child of God is dearly loved and secure in God's eternal promises. A child of God is a servant after God's own heart, with a desire to love others, and to turn away from sin.

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