Thursday, January 10, 2013

There Is Plenty Left Over To Share With Others

Every morning when I woke up at the bed-and-breakfast in Leavenworth, Washington, Brian would go downstairs to get his morning cup of coffee and then return with his cup and a cup of herbal tea for me as well. Then he would sit and relax in one of the comfortable leather chairs in our room to drink his coffee, while I drank my tea standing by the bedroom window, looking out to watch the wild birds feed. The thoughtful and kind owner of the bed-and-breakfast had set out a large metal dish filled with seeds for the birds that remain in winter.

But one morning I became distressed when I noticed that the metal dish was tipped, most likely by one of the many deer that roamed freely in Leavenworth during this time of year. As a result the bird seeds were now sprawled out all over the snow-covered ground, and much of them were buried in hoof prints. But as I continued to watch, my worries ceased because there was still plenty of seed exposed for the birds to feed on.

I thought, "Life can be like this at times." God generously provides for all our needs, and sometimes the dish gets tipped, but we are not to worry, because we will always have everything we need. There will even be plenty left over to share with others.

"And God will generously provide all you need.
Then you will always have everything you need
and plenty left over to share with others."
2 Corinthians 9:8 (NLT)

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