Thursday, September 22, 2011

His Eyes Roam The Earth

My flight to Prince Edward Island was the second trip I have made by plane. The first trip was at night with overcast skies, so I didn't see much of anything, except clouds.  I was disappointed and bored.
Hence I made sure to schedule my second plane trip during the day, and God blessed me with clear skies all the way, except for one small cloudy patch near our destination.

Here is a picture I took out of my plane's window as it took off. This is the province of Alberta. The different coloured farm lands could be distinguished from the air. It looked very much like a patchwork quilt.

In the picture below, we are flying over Saskatchewan. It is a little hazy, but it's very similar to it's two neighbouring prairie provinces.

The picture below is of the third prairie province in Canada: Manitoba. Again it is hard to tell the difference between the three provinces.

Below is a picture of Toronto, Ontario. The capital city is massive and the province is very different-looking from the other three provinces. Ontario is covered in hundreds of bodies of water, and the Great Lakes are enormous. Our plane stopped at the Toronto airport and there we got on another plane to PEI.

Here is the most beautiful province of all: Prince Edward Island.  I was excited that I could see from the air the red shores that surround the coast of PEI.

Our plane is about to land in Charlottetown. The view of Charlottetown was so lovely and captivating, I found it hard to hold back the tears.

As I looked from on high the diversity and beauty of the earth that God created for us, I couldn't help but ask myself the question: Of all the people on this planet, how many of them have given their hearts completely to God.

The Bible says that the eyes of the Lord roam back and forth over all the earth, looking for hearts that belong to Him. When God finds people that truly love Him, He gives them strength, encouragement, and support.

"For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth 
that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His."
2 Chronicles 16:9

I pray that in the last days, more and more people will come to know God and give their hearts to Him.

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