Monday, September 05, 2011

I Am A Well-Watered Garden

For weeks now I have had the image in my head of a rock garden in my backyard. I knew exactly where I wanted to plant my five trees, two bushes, and two flowering rock plants. The only problem is that these trees, bushes, and plants had to be uprooted from other places in my yard. I also needed rocks and lots of them. In other words, I needed a man — maybe a couple of them. My truck-driver husband is usually not available and three of my sons are working. I thought I might be able to talk my youngest son into helping. Unfortunately, he just applied for a school-year job, so if I was going to fulfill my dream, it had to be now.

Three yards of rainbow rocks were delivered Friday night and miraculously my husband was home Saturday. (Well, I thought it was a miracle. I think my husband had a different viewpoint.) With the help of my son and my husband, we were able to complete the project in one day.

Here is a picture of my rock garden.

By the way, there is a practicality to all of this. I don't have to mow around the trees anymore and there is less lawn to mow. We have a big yard! It is an inside corner lot.

The Bible says that, in God's eyes, we are like a well-watered garden that He so lovingly takes care of.

"The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water
when you are dry and restoring your strength.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
like an ever-flowing spring."
Isaiah 58:11

Now, whenever I look with delight upon my rock garden from either my deck or kitchen window, I will remind myself of this verse: Right now I am going outside to blissfully water my transplanted trees, bushes, and plants.

*     *     *

Since fall is approaching, today I bought  two scarecrows, a man and a woman,  to display sitting on the rocker. With every season I am going to redecorate my rock garden to depict that  time of the year. Life is so much fun!

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