Friday, January 10, 2014

Praying And Reading The Scriptures Like Jesus

Going off track.

There are many people in church today who pray and read the Scriptures like a Pharisee, rather than like Christ Jesus. On the outward, they seem very spiritual, but as you get to know them, you sadly realize they are far from being Christ-like. Their lives are a mess and they are blinded by their own spirituality. Publicly they seem to have amazing faith, but inwardly, they live in misery and pain. Their prayers are unanswered, their hearts are broken, and their dreams shattered. Why? Because their goal is not to be like Christ Jesus, but to use Christ for their own benefit. They obey many of God's rules, like tithing, but they do it to be blessed by Him, rather than to bless Him. God is not so concerned with what people do or the words they say, but what makes their hearts beat. Do their hearts beat for God? Or do they beat for something or someone else?

The Bible tells us that in everything we do we are to live a life filled with love, following the example Jesus Christ set for us. We have everything we need! We are His dear children and He loves us! If we do like Jesus---offer ourselves to God as a sacrifice and concentrate on being a pleasing aroma to Him, our prayers will be answered. We will be blessed! We will be happy!

"Imitate God,
therefore, in everything you do,
because you are His dear children.
Live a life filled with love,
following the example of Christ.
He loved us 
and offered Himself as a sacrifice for us,
a pleasing aroma to God."
Ephesians 5:1-2 (NIV)

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