Thursday, August 08, 2013

Be Careful What You Say

This week I will be teaching the children in church to be careful of what they say. My sons and I will put on a puppet show about a girl named Thelma who is made fun of by other children. When she is secretly given a kind note from an admirer, she thinks it is some kind of cruel joke. However, to her surprise, she discovers the note was genuine, and her spirit is immediately uplifted and encouraged.

Afterwards, I will have each child draw a name from the group, and then decorate and write a positive note on a blank card to give to that person.

"Be careful what you say
and protect your life.
A careless talker
destroys himself."
Proverbs 13:3 (GNT)

When the children go home, they will be given a happy face ball with the Bible verse written on the back of it to remind them of Sunday's lesson.

If a child can be protected from one less painful word from another child, then children's ministry will be well worth the time and effort.

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