Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Peter Heard and Ran

The next day's Bible story, which will be told to the children attending Pandamania Vacation Bible School, is the crucifixion and resurrection story of Jesus. The Biblical reference to this account is found in Luke 23:1 - 24:12.

As I study these Scriptures more thoroughly, my eyes rest on two verses in chapter 24: verses 11 and 12. On the morning of the first day of the week, women had gone to the tomb, where Jesus had been laid, to anoint his body with spices that they had prepared. Upon reaching the tomb, the women noticed the stone blocking the tomb's entrance had been rolled away. When they went inside, they couldn't find Jesus' body anywhere. Then two angels appeared to them announcing with jubilance that Jesus was no longer dead. He was alive!

I can imagine just how excited they were when they ran back to tell the eleven disciples of Jesus and all others that their beloved Saviour was alive. However, the ten of the eleven disciples refused to believe the women.

"But they did not believe the women, because their words
seemed to them like nonsense. Peter, however,
got up and ran to the tomb."

One of the disciples, and yes, it was Peter, got up and ran to the tomb. The Bible says that he was the only one out of the eleven that decided to check their story out.

How many times have we gone to someone or a group of people and tell the truth about something, only to be left discouraged, frustrated and insulted because the person or people refused to believe us or at least investigate the story throughly to find out if it is true or not.

Peter sets a prime example, to never dismiss or readily accept a miraculous account or an accusation of another person. We, especially leaders, need to examine the facts first before deciding if it is a lie, the truth or just crazy talk. Just like Peter, we need to run, go to the tomb and see for ourselves if what is being told is the truth. All people deserve that respect, no matter what you make initially think.

I feel I partly understand what these women must have felt like. I felt somewhat that way not too long ago when my newly bought RAV4 was taken to the Toyota dealership by a tow truck. When I told the service manager that the brakes failed on the vehicle, she didn't believe me and treated me like I was brainless. I was annoyed to say the least. To make things worse, the mechanics couldn't duplicate the problem in the test drive, so they assumed I was imagining things. I wonder how long the test drive was? Anyways, I just hope now they don't try to sell it again and someone gets hurt.

Most of time I do try to have one or some of my sons with me in dealing with these kinds of situations. My husband travels long distance with his job and can't always be there. It's kind of funny too because several times people here have mistaken my oldest son, Daniel, as my husband. He hates that! When this occurs, he looks at me and frowns. I look at him and giggle.

*     *     *

I should have posted this picture in yesterday's blog. In the town which I live in, cats are not allowed outdoors. Yesterday, my cat snuck outside when I opened the back door and then tried to hide from me, under the patio. Matthew took the picture.  I should have called the cat "Jonah", except the cat is a she. Her actual name is "Hunter" and she is now a year old. Sadly, our other cat had to be put down, a year and a half ago.

Hunter is an Angora cat with beautiful soft silky hair. She is also very calm and gentle. She sleeps at the bottom of my bed in a pet bed placed on top of an ottoman. She and my Yorkie are best friends. I guess it is because they are the same size. Many times I catch my Yorkie sleeping with her in the pet bed with Hunter's paws around him. It's so cute!

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