Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Caught In The Act

It is against the municipal by-law in the town in which I live to allow cats outdoors. However, there are times, very seldom though, that I might see a cat exploring the environment. This is one of those times. The cat sure looks guilty. This feline has been caught and I now have proof of his/her rebellion against rules. Cats certainly can be sneaky. I know. I have one and it isn't always easy to stop a cat from escaping the confines of a house, especially on warm sunny days when the sounds of nature are so enticing.

"If we claim we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and not living in the truth.
But if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us
our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness."
1 John 1: 8-9

The truth is just like this cat we all have sinned and given into temptation at times. I know I have. I will tell you about one of those times.

In High School I was never tempted to skip a class unexcused. I am very competitive, (now you know where my sons get it from), and obtaining the highest grade point average that I can achieve has always been my goal in education. However, one time at Bible College, I gave into temptation and suffered the consequences. The goalie at the Bible College hockey team invited me to go on the teams' bus and attend one of his games. It just so happened the game took place during one of my classes. After going back and forth in my decision-making I finally decided to skip the class and go. I felt guilty the whole time. I kept thinking, "I sure hope this guy appreciates what I am doing for him." Anyways, the teacher found out, and in the next class period he announced that he will be marking for attendance. He looked right at me and said, "If anyone misses a class without excuse, that person will be dropped a letter grade." My head dropped and I became sick to my stomach. I couldn't believe it: the first time I skip a class, I get caught and punished for it.

When it came time to graduate I ended up with the second highest grade point average in my class. I was extremely close to being the highest. While the top student was giving his speech at the graduation ceremonies, the thought that dominated my mind was, "How could I have been so foolish to give into temptation?" I don't think the young goalie ever knew the sacrifice I made to please him.

The good news is that when we admit to God the sins we have committed, He will always have the heart's desire to forgive us and set us free from condemnation and guilt. God has the power to purify us and give us a greater desire for righteousness.

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