Wednesday, August 03, 2011

I Will Give You Rest

"My Presence will go with you and I will give you rest."
Exodus 33:14

God is fulfilling this verse! My husband works long hours and needs a rest. He never takes holidays, ever! I have always taken my sons when they were younger on day trips in the summer time. Brian and I also need to spend time together, since his job takes him away from home so much. I will confess I don't find this always easy to deal with. The loneliness can be overwhelming at times.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer
and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Phillippians 4:6-7

God has answered my prayers too! I am so excited to announce that a flight has been booked to Prince Edward Island in September for a week. Brian and I will be staying in a Victorian style country inn called Kindred Spirits. It is located on six acres right beside the famed Anne of Green Gables Home. I have always wanted to do this. It is a dream come true. I have never had a desire to go to Hawaii or Mexico, or on an Alaskan cruise. I am a cabin-in-the-woods type of a gal. However, I know I will love the friendly and unhurried atmosphere, and of course the ocean scenery of PEI. And I get to see the Anne of Green Gables Home! What woman in the world doesn't love those novels?! My sons even enjoyed reading them, especially Chris. He must be a romantic at heart.

I could hardly sleep last night thinking about it all. My oldest son, Daniel, who has travelled extensively, helped me choose the best flight and pick a well-reviewed place to stay in. Kindred Spirits also offers a warm breakfast every morning, each day being different. The reviews say the food is excellent. I love breakfast. It is my favorite meal of the day. Oh, I am so excited! I have to stop writing about it or I won't sleep again tonight. Maybe I will start reading the books again and forget about sleeping. That's a better idea. Who needs sleep anyways?

God is good!

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