Monday, August 01, 2011

Crazy Sunday Morning

Have you ever had one of those Sunday mornings when everything goes wrong? It happened yesterday to us. My sons and I were all ready to go to church when I went outside to start the vehicle. Our driveway is slanted uphill, so when I opened the driver's door, it started to close again because of the gravity of the incline. When I tried to enter the vehicle, the door was partly in my way. Unfortunately my reactions were slow that morning, so I ended up banging and slicing my cheek open on the edge of the door. As blood dripped down my cheek and I felt the sting of the cut, I looked in the rearview mirror to check the damage. At this time, two of my sons were now entering the vehicle. They took one wide-eyed look at me and didn't object when I said, "I think I better stay home."

As I was going back into the house, Chris came out. I told him he would have to drive to church. I didn't have to explain, for the reason was obvious. He just gave me a strange look and shook his head. Now this is where it gets really weird. While I was in the house with an ice-pack on my cheek to try and get the swelling down, Chris entered the house holding his hand. Frustrated, he said, "Ow! I slammed the driver's door on my finger. Yes, the same door that bruised and cut my cheek. Chris's finger was bleeding and bruised also. He was in pain — like mother, like son. Then shortly afterwards, his other brothers entered the house and one of them said, "I don't think we are supposed to go to Church this morning. Your vehicle is completely out of gas and we don't have time now to get any. I don't even think there is enough gas in the tank to get to a gas station." Then I remembered. The gas light went on yesterday while I was driving, but I had to continue to drive for half an hour before I could pull off at a gas station. When I arrived at one, all the stalls were taken. I waited and waited, but when one was finally free, a young man drove up and took my spot just as I was maneuvering my vehicle to back into it. I was so annoyed that I decided to go straight home and come back later on in the day to fill up with gas. I guess I don't have to say, "I forgot!"

As a result, we all stayed home from church. Hopefully, I will learn not to get so annoyed when someone is unthoughtful and inconsiderate. I guess I didn't have to go to church yesterday for God to teach me a valuable lesson and be reminded of this Scripture verse.

"Since God chose you to be the holy people He loves, you must clothe yourselves
 with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. 
Make allowance for each other's faults,
and forgive anyone who offends you."
Colossians 3:12-13

I really should have been patient and forgiving, and waited until another stall opened up. Instead, I got angry and didn't care if I had gas or not.

I am glad to report though that later on in the day my vehicle did make it to get to the gas station. However, I brought this just in case I ran out and had to walk to the station to fill it.

I really don't know why my husband leaves me unattended for so long. He is really fussy about never letting the gas tank get down that low. Maybe one day I will finally learn to fill the tank sooner and not keep putting it off — another lesson I need to learn.

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