Wednesday, August 17, 2011

May We Be Tentmakers

On warm summer days like today, I fondly remember my twin brother and I making tents out of old blankets, thin rope and clothes pegs. We would build the tent outside during the day, usually on our huge sun deck. Then we would sleep in it at the night. It was much cooler than sleeping in our house — and a whole lot more fun! I was never scared because I had my brother beside me and our Sheltie at our feet. Sometimes the tent would collapse on us, but in time we gained enough experience to build them with more stability.

Here is a picture of Tim and Matthew's tents that I bought one year for them when they were teenagers. When I would look out the kitchen window before bed to check on them, I would see their heads sticking out of their tents and hear them studying the constellations.

Paul was a tentmaker, even during the time he was preaching extensively the Word of God to others at home and in foreign countries.

"And because he was a tentmaker as they were, he stayed and worked with them."
Acts 18:3

The Bible says that Paul worked hard and long hours as at tentmaker to earn enough money to support himself so that he wouldn't be a burden to others for finances. His desire was to see money given to the poor, sick and widowed.

"Surely you remember, brothers, our toil and hardship; 
we worked night and day in order not to be a burden
 to anyone while we preached
 the gospel of God to you."
1 Thessalonians 2:9

Paul was the Bible's first missionary. He was anointed of God and had a powerful ministry. He wasn't lazy, arrogant or demanding. Instead, he was hard-working, humble and selfless. I believe his ministry had such an impact on people's lives because of who he was and how he lived his life each day.

Many missionary-minded people today are using their professions to enter foreign countries. If they have an expertise that can be a benefit to the people, then they are more likely to be welcomed and their message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ be accepted.

May we all be tentmakers even in our homeland! Lets use our gifts and talents God has given us first to benefit society. Having just two able hands can do so much in witnessing for God by showing others your work ethics and integrity. Then when doors open to speak God's Word, people will listen.

The greatest pastor, evangelist or teacher is the one who gets up from a banqueting table to help clean up afterwards, shovel snow off a widow's driveway, or mow a sick neighbour's yard.

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