Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hiding Under The Bed

This is a picture of my bed. It sits up high, so a person can easily hide under it. Oh, and um . . . that's also my cat. She wasn't suppose to be in the picture, but when I was about to take it, she jumped on the bed. Then she posed for the camera.

At one time when Matthew was a young boy and had committed a wrongdoing, he ran and hid underneath his bed. He didn't want to be caught and face the consequences of his actions. I called out to him, but there was no answer. I then looked in all the places a little boy would hide. One of the obvious places was under the dark confines of his bed. I looked, but couldn't see him. He had sandwiched himself between his quilt than hung down on the far side of his bed and the wall. Pretty smart, don't you think? That is until I asked, "Matthew, are you under there?" He responded brilliantly, "No!" His older brothers were of course all rooting for him and were shocked that he would answer. They then looked at me with their wide-eyed faces, waiting for my response. It wasn't what they expected. I burst out in laughter. I had a hard time stopping. I'm sure they thought their mother was crazy and their younger brother had taken after me. Once I was able to somewhat control myself, I didn't have the heart to punish Matthew for his actions. I don't even remember what he had done wrong, but I do remember him trying to hide from me. Raising four sons, all close in age, definitely had its hilarious moments. This was one of those times.

Just like Matthew, sometimes we as adults think we can outsmart God and hide from Him; but the Bible says:

"Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered
and laid bare before the eyes of Him to Whom we must give account."
Hebrew 4:13

I can't help but wonder if God shakes his head and has a good laugh at our silliness at times.

Nothing is hidden from God, so it is foolish to try to deceive and hide the truth from Him. The sooner we confess and deal with the consequences of our sinful actions, the better. God will then help you to make things right. Remember God will never leave you and will always forgive a repentant heart.

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