Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Wind

Yesterday there was a strong wind storm. I love the wind! I love to feel it against my face and have it blow my hair. It is the one time I don't care if my hair gets messed up. I just put it in a pony tail and off I go traipsing in the wind.

I have loved the wind since I was a young girl. Every time there was a wind storm during the day, I would immediately be drawn outdoors. If there was a windstorm at night, I had to leave the window open so I could hear the sounds of the rustling leaves, see my curtains blow in the twilight of the night and feel the coolness of the wind's breeze.

My father loved the wind as well. He was a highly intelligent man that barred his inner world from anyone entering. My mother, my brothers and I never really knew him. You couldn't even talk to him because he was unable to identify with the feelings, thoughts and attitudes of another. I never saw my dad shed a tear or heard his laughter, just explode with anger. It was sad. I wanted to be close, but couldn't. I tried to, but it was futile. However, I do remember him telling me out of the blue one day that he loved the wind. I was surprised, for it was one of the few times he shared something of himself to me. Nothing was explained and nothing more was said. Now, especially with my father gone, when I enjoy the pleasure of the wind, I think of him, for it was something we had in common — the love of wind!

Where does the wind come from and where does it go? Even today, scientists are unable to accurately predict the answers to those questions. However, as Christians we know that the wind comes from God and He alone knows when and where it will stop.

"He causes the clouds to rise over the whole earth. He sends the lightning
with the rain and releases the wind from His storehouses."
Psalm 135:7

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